Making Chocolate


You Need To Chop the Chocolate Before You Melt It

The first step in making chocolate is to buy the necessary materials and equipment. When you have everything ready, you need to chop the chocolate before melting it and then pouring this into the mold.

The reason why you chop bars of chocolate is to melt it evenly thus preventing overheating.  You can use the kitchen knife or use something to cut this more evenly like a pair of chocolate clippers that can also be purchased from the craft store.

People who want to use a knife should make sure it is sharp. The ideal kind should measure at least 8 to 10 inches and when you cut the chocolate make sure that you press the knife down firmly and evenly on the chocolate.

You should start with the corners and then angle the knife slightly outward. You should continue doing so until all the chocolate is chopped into almost sized pieces. When you are finished, you then put this in a bowl so it can be melted.

There are two options when it comes to melting chocolate. The first is to use a microwave. The advantage of using a microwave is that the melting time is very fast. This will be over in a few minutes even if you set the microwave at 50% low power.

How long should you set the microwave timer? The best way to gauge that is 1 minute for every ounce of chocolate? So dont forget to weigh this first before switching it on.

You might accidentally overheat the chocolate. If this should happen, pour the contents into a cool bowl and add chunks of unmelted chocolate and stir continuously.

If you prefer to use a double boiler, start by filling the sauce pan with hot water from the tap and then put the chocolate over into another bowl. Unlike the microwave where you can put a huge chunk in, you have to put this little by little and stirred constantly to prevent air bubbles. When this is done, this is the time you pour this into the mold. 

Some people add nuts to the chocolate. If you want to try that, there are two ways of chopping that. First, you use a sharp, serrated knife. The other option is to use a food processor but if you dont have one, a coffee grinder will do. Just remember when you are chopping the nuts, dont cut this into a fine meal because you will hardly taste it when you eat the chocolate.

Aside from chocolate, you can also use marshmallows. The nice thing about this is that this is available in small sizes so you dont have to cut it. You can also use candy sprinkles which can be mixed with the melted chocolate when you are stirring it. Save some for the latter part when you take this out of the freezer so you can still add it in the finished product.

Chopping chocolate is just like cooking because this is the same thing you do before you throw in the meat or the vegetables into the frying pan. The only difference is that you only use low heat which is more than enough to melt everything so it can be molded into whatever shape of mold you have.

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