Loans Mortgages


Student loan consolidation

Tired from paying interest on student loans every month, afraid of the deadline of paying back loans, there is a solution of your tensions, STUDENT LOAN Consolidation. In student loan consolidation, a student may enjoy many benefits; some of them are following below.

1. lower monthly payments
2. only one monthly payment rather than paying separately
3. Student loan consolidation rates are very low, fixed interest rate cannot exceed 8.25% at any time, coupled with national interest rates at a 40-year low.
4. For the application of student loan consolidation, you don't have to offer any credit card check or processing fees.
5. the terms and payment plans of student loan consolidation are very flexible, the provider can mode them according to your financial needs
6. While you don't need to consolidate in order to take advantage of this one, you can knock an additional .25% off your rate by making your monthly payment electronically. This electronic debit option does more than save you money - it decreases your chances of forgetting a payment.
7. The option to prepay your loan at any time without incurring a penalty
Sometimes a student got confused about the qualification of applying for student loan consolidation. But now government clears that students who are still in their grace period or cannot re pay their owe money on a student loans can qualify to get student loan consolidation or those who are still in school may consolidate their government-guaranteed loans

Today in the market, there are many companies offering student loans to the college students, but when it comes to their interest rates, they are charging very high. A student has to pay interest on their loans, every month, which is quite impossible for some due to lack of money and time. When it comes time to pay back their student loans, it can be a real burden and a distraction from their career. For those, student loan consolidation is a best deal and step to follow. In this, you don't even get low interest rates, but can enjoy other facilities including grace period of six to nine months, only one monthly payments, tension-free mind etc.

Due to existence of government sector, a student has an opportunity to enjoy the offers given by the government as they are quite competitive than private. Student loan consolidation rates is fixed and cant be changed after signing the contracts and whenever student has graduated or ceased to be a full time student, he can also enjoy the benefit of grace period of six to nine months which allows him to get employed and repay their loans easily.

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