

The Good And Bad Affects Of Method Acting

Before we talk of good and bad affects of method acting at length, let us first understand the ideologies of method acting. Different directors have adopted different approaches in this regard and this has resulted in much type of ideologies in existence. Some of the more common names are as follows: -

Emotional energy in acting
As if

Using Past Memories
When an actor uses the techniques of method acting, he or she uses memories of his or her past life to create similar feelings again. However, whether this technique works effectively or not is a debatable issue.

Stanislavsky was the person who first brought this technique of method acting to light. He referred it as a process in which we use sense memory for preparing ourselves expressively. However, he himself kept on experimenting and made many changes in the procedure during the course of his life.

Stanilavsky Himself Rejected In The End
Here one thing is worth mentioning that puts a question mark on the technique of method acting that after using it for a major part of his life Stanislavsky himself ultimately discarded it. Reason he gave for abandoning it is that it is not dependable technique.

Intensity Of Emotion Varies With Time
Stanislavsky and many other observers ultimately recognized that personal experiences vary to a large extent with the time. Something may be of great emotional importance for a twenty four-year old that may not be able to produce any noticeable effect when you reach the age of forty.

However, there are people who strongly support the method acting. Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Paul Newman, Dustin Hoffman, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Jane Fonda and Robert De Niro are names of some renowned actors that used method acting. These actors believed that it is a very effective tool in your hands when you have to perform in an emotional scene.

When we talk of cons then the biggest drawback of method acting is that it can cause you great harm physically. Engaging in this type of practice may even lead to mental damage too.

However, like any other decision in your life here also you have to arrive at a final decision after considering both merits and demerits of the method acting. No matter what decision do you take, bear in mind that if you prefer safety then there are many other options also available.

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