

Canadians Adopting from the US

When speaking about International adoption, it is assumed people are talking about adopting from countries overseas such as China and Russia. Canadians adopting from the United States is also considered to be International adoption. Perhaps because of the close proximity, people do not look at it this way. The United States and Canada have two different citizenships, two different governments and are two totally different countries. However when it comes to International adoption, Canadians are at a definite advantage if choosing to adopt from the US.

Because of the closeness geographically to the US, prospective adoptive parents from Canada have the option of searching for a child themselves. Regarding travel costs, Canadians can travel to and from the US relatively inexpensively. As long as they have a valid passport, Canadians wont have any difficulty getting in and out of the US on their own. Through personal advertisements, Canadians adopting from the US are likely to find a birth mother or adoptive child through a personal search. Canadians adopting from the US might also consider joining a US web-based Internet site which deals with private adoptions. Another way Canadians can find adoptive children in the US is through an agency. However, they may need to deal with a US agency since Canadian adoption agencies dont work directly with birth mothers in the US. A third option for Canadians adopting from the US is a facilitator. This can be an expensive route to take since facilitators, more commonly referred to as baby brokers are not cheap. It is recommended to use facilitators as a last resort when searching for an adoptive child. If possible prospective adoptive parents ought to ignore this option totally since many facilitators are unlicensed and therefore illegal in Canada and also in parts of the US. When dealing with something as sensitive as adoption, it is better for the prospective adoptive parents to use a means which is legal and will bring about favorable results and not disappointments.

The timeline for Canadians adopting from the US depends largely on the adoptive parents. The home study, which is a requirement, must be completed in the Canadian province where the prospective adoptive parents live. This study takes at least three to six months to complete. Once the home study is completed, the timeline is really up to the adoptive parents and how easy it is to find an available child. This process could take months or it could take years. There are factors which will influence this timeline, factors such as how anxious or picky the adoptive parents are, the kind of child they are interested in, the method or methods used to find an adoptive child, their financial resources and just plain luck.

The obvious advantage for Canadians adopting from the US is the geographical location. The nearness to the US makes it easier for Canadian adoptive parents to travel when searching for a child. Another great advantage for searching for a child in the US versus searching in Canada is the US has a larger potential for birth mothers and children. It is said that some adoption agencies will promised prospective adoptive parents a healthy newborn in less than a year. If the individuals are open to biracial children, the adoption could take place even sooner. Agencies may tell Canadian adoptive parents this but whether it actually happens is an entirely different matter.
The only real disadvantage Canadians adopting from the US face is the risk that the birth mother of their prospective adoptive child will change her mind and choose to raise the child herself.

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