Traits of Taurus
Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is the Bull. Focused on security and stability, the Taurus is the most faithful of all the signs. Strong, silent, the mostof all the signs, Taurus is likely to be cautious and controlled.born under Taurus are very practical and determined, well grounded and in touch with nature. They take things as they come, without worrying or stressing. They have strong values, and tend to think long and hard aboutdecisions. Once they've made those decisions, it's easier to move mountains than to change the mind of a Taurus.Nothing personifies Taurus more than the Greek myth of the Minotaur, or bull-headed man, when it comes to stubbornness. Once those hooves are dug in, Taurus is just not going to move.But the Taurus will probably deny thatstubborn; they prefer to call it " sensible." Or " patient." Normally calm and reliable, Taurus is content to be left alone, with a very long fuse....but if that fuse ever burns, watch out.Taurus has a temper.Push him to his limits, and the phrase " bull in a china shop" takes on a whole new meaning.Taurus very seldom gets mad, but when they do, they don't just get a little annoyed, they get furious.It may take weeks for the dust to clear after a Taurus tantrum.Taurus likes to build his fortune, slowly and steadily; he loves money and material possessions,he isn't stingy.He can be very generous, especially to friends and family.Strong, dependable, and peaceful,is like a rock in the Zodiac, with his patience and calm.He can be the most stable and of all the signs...just don't try to rush him into anything.Or ask him to change his mind.
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