Back To School


Helping our children learn

Children learn by example.  They learn all our bad habits, bad words, and bad attitudes.  But just as much, they learn from the good things we do as well.  My oldest son did not want to sit with me and listen to me read him books.  Ive always loved to read and its been very important to me as our children grow.  I have always read to our children.  But my husband seldom reads.  I realized that my son was not watching me, but his father.  My husband and I tried something.  He started reading every day.  Pretty soon, my son was ready to sit down and listen to the story.  He wanted to be like his dad.  He was bringing me books and asking me to read to him.

We can encourage learning in our children.  Every situation we face can be a learning experience.  Teaching our children involves more than just moral and ethical learning, but basic school type learning.

As you are driving down the street, have your younger children pick out specific letters on the billboards you pass.  Have small children find a specific color.  You can turn dinner time into counting time.  Let your kids figure out times tables while you set the table.

When children can see how the things they learn in school apply to their daily life, it makes it more fun to learn these things.  It can help them become more excited about school and make learning easier.

Find ways to encourage learning in your children, both by teaching and example.  Get them excited about learning and you can open doorways for them.  There are so many opportunities available and so many things that we can learn from.  Make sure your children take advantage of all they can.  Be the example to them in their lives. 

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