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Teacher Recognition

My kids love to make a card for their new teacher at the beginning of the school year.  This might be viewed as a form of brown-nosing, but since they came up with the idea on their own, I figured it was probably innocent.  They do the same thing for their piano and guitar teachers.

Lots of parents get gifts for their childrens teachers at Christmas and the end of the year.  If you chose to do this, keep in mind a few suggestions that have come from teachers.

They dont want any more apple decorations.  They have so many, they could start their own store.  Apples have always been the symbol of a school teacher and they have received quite a few over the years.
Personal gifts are great.  Teachers spend a lot of their own time grading homework and preparing lessons.  Giving a gift that reminds them that they are a regular person is very thoughtful.  Ideas can include spa gift certificates, lotions, and personal items.

Teachers also spend their own money providing supplies for their classroom.  You can check with the teacher and find out what items they are in need of.  Many schools have book fairs and the teachers will include their own wish list for their classroom.  Other items that could be useful would be treats and reward that the teachers give out to students.  You can find out what kinds of things they give out by talking with your child.  The teacher might also collect a specific item, and a gift relating to their hobbies would be great as well.

Of course, teachers would appreciate any gift they are given, but value the ones that are given with a little extra thought in mind.

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