
Other Foods While Breast Feeding
Breast milk is actually the only food your baby will need until 4 months of age, although most babies do well on breast milk alone for 6 months or better.  There is really no advantage to adding other foods or milks before 4 - 6 months, except under unusual circumstances.
Water Breast milk is over 90% water.  Even in the hottest days of summer, a baby won't require any extra water.  If a baby isn't feeding well, they still don't require any extra water - although they will need the breast feeding problems to be fixed.
Vitamin D Although breast milk doesn't contain much vitamin D, it does have a little.  The baby will store up vitamin D during pregnancy, and remain healthy without any vitamin D supplementation, unless you yourself had a problem with vitamin D deficiency when pregnant.
Exposure to the outside will give your baby vitamin D, even in winter and when the sky is covered.  An hour or more exposure during the week will give your baby more than enough vitamin D.
Iron Breast milk contains less iron than formulas do, especially those that are iron enriched.  Iron will give the baby added protection against infections, as many bacteria need iron in order to multiply.
The iron found in breast milk is utilized well by the baby, while not being available to bacteria.  The introduction of iron should never be delayed beyond the age of 6 months.
Breast milk is the best that your can feed your baby, as it provides everything he will need for probably the first 6 months.  After the first 6 months, you can introduce solid foods to your baby if he is taking an interest to them.
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