Clickbank Affiliate Revenue


Find Top Selling Products And Get More Profit

If you have decided on becoming a clickbank affiliate, then you must have come across the question: how to find the top selling products? The clickbank is a good place to start as it has a large affiliate network where you can purchase products that can be used to build internet business, list the products and offer them for sale through your own affiliate network. Clickbank is free to join and you can select the products by going through their menu.

Select Good Products:

To select the product which you can add to your list of products, you can use the clickbank marketplace tab. You have to search for a particular category of products by entering the relevant keywords. You will see information which will tell you about the product, its sales page and the place to create hoplink. You can use this hoplink to promote the top selling products. With this link, you can be identified on the site. When a customer enters the merchants site using your link, you will automatically receive the commission when the product gets sold.

For selecting top selling products, these terms may come as a help to you:
Percentage commission: The percentage commission you will receive if a product is sold using your affiliate link. If the percentage commission is 30%, this means for every $100 of sale, you will receive $30 as commission.
Affiliate commission: The actual amount you will receive as commission for that particular product.
Gravity: This shows the popularity of the product in numerical terms. The higher the gravity, the more popular the product is. Being more popular means, you will have lots of competition in terms of more affiliates for the same product.
Referred %: It shows percentage of each product that is referred by affiliates.

Choose Products Based On Information:

Here are some points which will help you choose top selling products on clickbank:
Typically it is advisable to choose a product you have some idea about. If you know more about the product, then its easier to promote it. You can reach global audiences and you can target the customers who you know will be interested in the particular product.
Select a product which is not the highest but high enough in gravity. This way you will be sure that you have a quality product which is quite popular and that you have competition which is not fierce.
The percentage commission should be not less than 25%. If you select a product which has commission as 40%-50%, then you will benefit the maximum.
Go through the sales copy and the pieces of information clickbank provides about the product. If the product is attractive and you feel like buying it, then probably the product is good and others would also like to buy it.

Choosing top selling products is not a problem. Do some research; take help of online tools and you will become a successful affiliate marketing expert.

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