Career Hunting


Career Fairs A Great Way to Find Jobs

Are you searching for a new job or a new career?  If you are, you may have searched for jobs online or even in your newspapers employment section. Although these resources are great ones, you may want to think about trying career fairs, as they are a great way to find available job positions, as well as apply for them at the same time. 

Although there is a good chance that you have heard of a career fair before, there is also a chance that you havent.  If you didnt already know, career fairs are events that are often free and held in large public places. Most career fairs are held at hotels or in shopping malls.  During a career fair, a number of employers, particularly those who are hiring, set up booths. Those booths are where participating employers will have information, including pictures, write ups, and more, about their company displayed.  Most career fair employer participants also often have a company representative or two on hand, to accept applications and sometimes even do onsite interviews.

As nice as it is to know what career fairs are, you may be wondering why you should attend one.  As it was previously mentioned, a large number of employers often come to career fairs. The exact number will all depend on the size of the establishment in question.  Even the smallest of career fairs tend to house about forty or fifty hiring employers.  Using the internet or searching for job listings in your local newspaper will never be able to produce this many employers in such a small amount of time.

Career fairs are also nice because the participating employers often run different types of businesses.  For instance, at one of your local career fairs, employers looking for construction workers, nurses, secretaries, or teachers could have booths set up.  This is nice because it can give you ideas or cause you to examine another job or career, one that you may have not thought of before.  Also, when attending a career fair, you are under no obligation to provide prospective employers with your resume or your contact information, although it is advised that you do so.  This means that you could not only use a career fair to find available jobs, but you can also use them to examine all of your options or to set new career goals for yourself. 

If you are interested in attending a career fair, you will need to be able to find them. As it was previously mentioned, most career fairs are held in public establishments, like hotels or shopping centers.  Many career fairs are advertised at their locations in advance.  It may be a little bit harder to examine local hotels, but you may be able to see career fair signs when shopping at your favorite retail stores.  You should also be able find out about locally hosted career fairs by using the internet or your local newspapers, as many career fair organizers take out advertisements.

The decision as to whether or not you want to attend a career fair is yours to make, but it is something that may result in a new job or a new career. For the best chance of success at career fairs, you will want to make sure that you dress professionally, bring extra copies of your resume to handout, as well as always be prepared for an interview. All career fairs are different, but some employers are known to give prospective candidates interviews right on the spot, as well as hire new employees!

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