Career Hunting


Interview Tips to Help You Land that Job

Are you looking for a new job or a new career?  If you are, your first step should be examining job listings.  When it comes to finding job listings, you have a number of different options.  For instance, you can use your local newspaper, the internet, or career counseling centers.  In a way, finding job listings is the easy part.  Actually getting the job that you want is the hard part. 

When it comes to landing a job that you applied for, your interview will play an important part in whether or not you are hired.  If you are able to get a job interview for one of the jobs that you applied for, you are advised to proceed with caution.  Your actions or your responses during an interview can either make or break you.  To increase your chances of landing your dream job, or at least the one that you applied for, you will want to continue reading on, as some helpful tips are outlined below.

When going to a job interview, it is important that you are properly dressed.  You would actually be surprised to learn how many job applicants show up to a job interview in unattractive, unprofessional attire.  Even if you are just applying for a job as a cashier at one of your local supermarkets, you are still advised to dress professionally for a job interview.  Depending on the job you are applying for, a dress or a business suit may be called for; however, a simple pair of black pants and a white shirt is much better than a pair of jeans. 

You are also advised to bring a couple of copies of your resume to your job interview.  This is something that many job applicants do not think to do, but it is actually a wise move.  Yes, you may have already submitted your resume to the employer giving you the interview, but it is important to remember that they probably received hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes.  It is not unheard of for resumes to get lost or misplaced.  Bringing along an extra copy of your resume shows that you are responsible and likely to always be prepared.  In addition to brining an extra resume for the interviewer, it is also advised that you bring a copy for yourself.  This will make reviewing your work history and education easier, as everyone would be on the same page.

During the interview, you will be asked a number of different questions by the interviewer.  One of the most common questions asked is about your strengths and your weaknesses.  One of the biggest mistakes that a job applicant makes is stating that they dont have any weaknesses.  Everyone has at least one weakness or something that they wish that they could chance about themselves.  You will want to be honest and admit this.  Of course, you dont want to go overboard.  What you will want to do is try and make your weakness a strength as well.

At the end of most interviews, most interviewers ask the interviewee, which would be you, if you have any questions. You are advised to ask questions.  In all honesty, even if you dont have any questions to ask, you are advised to come up with some.  Many interviewers use the do you have any questions, as a ploy.  Many are turned off by interviewees who do not have any questions.  Some even associated it with not be interested in the job or the company.  Even if you ask about how the company got started or what the chances are for moving up the company ladder, you are advised to ask questions.  Of course, be careful with the questions that you do ask.  You dont want to sound too pushy or overbearing. 

At the end of your interview, it is extremely important that you shake the hand of your interviewer and thank them for the opportunity.  This is very important.  It is hard for some to imagine, but a simple thank you actually goes a long way nowadays, as it is hardly spoken anymore.  It is also advised that you send a thank you note the interviewer you met with.  This may not necessarily increase your chances of landing the job, but it will make you look professional.

By keeping the above mentioned tips in mind, you should be able to have a successful interview.  As a reminder, interviews are the most important part of landing a new job.

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