Creating a Custom Closet Organizer
Do you feel like your closet is too crowed? Chances are you have a hard time finding a particular item in it. Have you ever noticed all the empty space that isnt used in a closet? Installing a closet organizer system can really help you access that open space and put it to good use. Each year, Americans spend more than $2 billion dollars on supplies and kits to organize their closets.
There are so many custom closet organizer products and complete kits to choose from. You have the option of hiring someone to install them or to put them in by yourself. As long as you are able to operate a level, hammer, screwdriver, and a drive; you wont have any problems with the process.
It is very important that you learn about the various closet organizing products and their uses. For example canvas materials and baskets wont work well for heavy items such as books. You will need something sturdier such as solid wood. If you have many sweaters, shelves are a better option than wire shelves because they are known to leave their lines on the sweaters. Some people are very good at wood work, and can design a custom closet organization system using scrap wood on their own.
While the ultimate goal with such a project is being able to find everything in your closet quickly, most of us want the design to look just as good. Make sure you take the time to check that the colors, materials, and the style of the design are going to work well for you. If you have a walk in closet you may decide to move your dresser from the bedroom into the closet area. You can also install a bench to sit in comfort while you are getting dressed and a hamper to put your dirty clothing in.
You might find those closet organizer kits on the market to be too predictable and too similar to what everyone else has. Organizing your closet doesnt have to mean you give up your personal style. Be creative when selection the closet organization products you want to us. Add beautiful knobs and accessories to them. You can find these items at your local home improvement store and at your local craft store.
Use glitter or paints to customize canvas baskets. Spray painting wire accessories to make the dof your best room is simple and inexpensive. Adding a full length mirror or a round mirror with fancy framing is a great personal touch for the middle of your closet on the back wall.
Regardless of the products you use to create your own custom closet organization system, it is very important that you choose quality products. No matter how great it looks, it isnt going to do much good if the products dont hold up well. Make sure each product you choose to use in your closet organization endeavor is strong enough to hold the items you are designating it for.
Proper installation is essential as well. Make sure every item is level and securely fastened to the wall. This is to prevent damage as well as possible injuries. Follow the manufacturers instructions for every item you purchase to organize your closet.
It is always a good idea to mix and match products that are made by the same manufacturer. You will find they install very similar to one another. If you choose to use items from various manufacturers you run the risk of them not installing properly together. There is also the fact that the quality may not be as comparable.
Most of us open up our closet at least once each day. Make it a pleasant experience. You can create a custom closet organization system that works well for your closet and that fits your unique decorating style. The sky is the limit when it comes to how you want it to be designed, so be creative and have some fun with this project!
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