

Computer Equipment Disposals and Recycling

With the adoption of the WEEE directives by the EU, the disposal of redundant IT and computer equipment has become an issue for all businesses in the UK.

The list of equipment (computer disposal / recycling is only one area) that must be properly disposed of is quite extensive and thus, as with many other areas of business, it is best to get an expert agency to assist and ensure compliance with the WEEE directive and the Data Protection Act. When disposing of old computers care has to be taken with consideration to the destruction of the data drive in the computer, the Data Protection Act requiring that "Due Care" is taken to ensure that the process of "computer hard drive destruction" is fully and correctly carried out. This is to ensure that no personal data is ever obtainable from old computers.

Studies have shown that at the moment over half of the computers that are recycled have data on their hard drives, data that could be extracted, and this is in contravention of the Data Protection Act and leaves the previous owners of the machine open to prosecution and fines.

One good effect of this new legislation is that it means that more attention is now being given to practical uses for old computers, which in turn means that some third world countries are now benefiting from the use of these old computers. In these instances the disposal of old computers has led to benefits to more than the environment, which was of course the reason for the WEEE directive. These remanufactured computers offer a way into relatively new technology for people and organisation's that would otherwise not be able to afford even this basic entry level of computing, and thus makes this the best of ways to dispose of your old computers.

Thus in many cases your old computer can be put to good use, perhaps being refurbished for use in the UK or in a third world country. Whatever the fate of your computer you can be sure that the environment (and your business) will be benefit.

So if you want to do your bit for the environment, contact an agency like RecycleIT4u. Their computer recycling procedures will fully protect your business as far as the Data Protection Act is concerned (they always ensure that all data is removed from all machines where they are to be recycled) and if your computer or electronics equipment is not suitable for re-use, they we will ensure that all the computers components are broken down and the precious metals reused (or in the case of toxic waste) disposed of safely and efficiently.

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Written by: Graham J R Baylis

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