

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-b

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-b
by: Janet L. Hall

At some time you might find that you have created a document that you will want
to save in more then one place, such as another folder. Maybe you’ll need to
save your document to another media, such as a floppy or zip disk, or a CD
Write. And maybe you have created a beautiful document that you would like to
use over and over again except some of the content will change and the
document might need to be filed in a different folder, have a different name, or
filed in a different format.

On my computer I’ve created several templates (like a pattern) for my business,
such as my letterhead, envelopes, and invoices. I don’t want to recreate these
sometimes-laborious documents every time I need to send out correspondence.
But I do need to enter new content in the body of the document. I can open up
the template I need to use, type in the new information and do a SAVE AS to
save the * new * document to it’s proper folder AND KEEP the template as a *
blank * document and in it’s proper folder.

Using the exercise we did in Part 4-a of D-BUST Your Computer (May issue),
let’s open the document, Hair Meeting 61200 that we had filed in the Larry
Folder. You want to keep Hair Meeting 61200 * intact * but you need to change
some of the content to send out to MOE and save this slightly altered document
in your MOE folder. Make your changes and then:

~~ Move POINTER to File and CLICK

A SAVE AS Box will appear. Notice the three sections: Save in:, File name:, and
Save as type:.

The Save in: section should have the last folder name that you saved a
document to. In this case you want to save your document in your * MOE *
folder, which is located in the Clients folder, which is located in MY

~~ CLICK the small black down arrow next to the folder name in Save in:
~~ Locate the CLIENTS Folder in the box and DOUBLE CLICK on it
~~ The CLIENTS folder should now be in the Save in: section
~~ Locate and move your POINTER to the * MOE * folder and DOUBLE CLICK
on it
~~ The * MOE * folder is now in the Save in: section

Now you have to give your document a name.

~~ PRESS Your TAB Key to move to File name: or move POINTER to File
name: and CLICK.

~~ Something will already be there BUT you want to give the document a name
you will remember and can easily locate when needed.

TIP: You can keep the same document name or change it.

~~ Type in the new name you want to give your document or leave the same

WARNING WARNING!! DO NOT do the above if you need to SAVE the
document in a DIFFERENT FILE FORMAT, such as TEXT or HTML Code.

Save as type: the default is usually Word Document but notice the small black
arrow next to this and CLICK on it. Here is where you are presented with a list of
file types that you might need to save your document into.

Now you have the two different documents in two different folders.

What if you need to save a document to your hard drive AND a floppy, zip, or CD

Perform your SAVE with your document opened and then do a SAVE AS.

USING SAVE AS to a DIFFERENT MEDIA (floppy, zip or CD Write):

Using the opened document or open up a document

~~ Move POINTER to File and CLICK

Again, you will be presented with the SAVE AS Box

~~ Insert into your computer the media you are saving to: Floppy, Zip, or CD
~~ The Save in: section should have the last folder name that you saved a
document to. In this case you want to save to your (A:), (B:), (D:), (E:), (F:), (you
choose the letter on your computer that corresponds to the media type; on my
computer, a floppy is my (A:) drive.).

To locate and select the proper drive for the media you want to save to:

~~ CLICK the small black down arrow next to the folder name in Save in:
~~ CLICK until you find the drive you want to save to.

You can also change the name and format of the document you are saving by
repeating the steps explained in the SAVE AS BOX above.



This feature in Word is really a recovery feature, it DOES NOT SAVE your
documents in the true sense. What it does is save changes or entered text to a
recovery file automatically for you at time intervals that you must set up. This
function is VERY useful if you experience power outages, power failures, or you have to restart your computer before you could save or close your document.

TIP: You must have a document open to set this function and it is protection for
your OPEN documents.

Open any document.

~~ Move POINTER to Tools (Located at the top of your screen) and CLICK
~~ Move POINTER to Options and CLICK

An Options Box will appear and you will notice several * Tabs * you can click on.
There is a lot of * stuff * here that you have probably never seen and a lot of
things you can change and customize, but for now let’s continue.

~~ Move POINTER to SAVE Tab and CLICK
You will see several little box buttons and you want to make sure the button
SAVE AUTORECOVER info every: is checked. If it’s not checked:

~~ Move POINTER to that box button and CLICK

Notice that you can change the minutes that you want WORD to automatically
save your open documents in case of a power surge or failure. I have mine set
at 10. To change yours:
~~ Move POINTER and CLICK on the little up or down arrow to change the
~~ Move POINTER to OK and CLICK

WARNING, WARNING: After a surge, failure or a restart, WORD will open the
RECOVERY file and you MUST SAVE it or it will be DELETED!

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional
Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of
OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to
her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit
her web site at

Copyright 1999, 2000 by OverHall Consulting
P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676
All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.

About the Author

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional
Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of
OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to
her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit
her web site at

Written by: Janet L. Hall

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