

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-d

D-BUST Your Computer – Part 4-d
By: Janet L. Hall

S Stands for SAVE those * Favorite * Websites you love to visit (like mine! )!

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser has a folder labeled * Favorites * (middle, top of screen) in which you can save/add your favorite websites you like to visit often. Saving your favorites here can minimize searching time, typing time, and the old, *I wonder where that website is? * time.

Other browsers have a similar feature but might be called something like * bookmarks * in Netscape or have a red heart on a folder, as in AOL. Look around or use your Help function to locate and how to use your browsers * favorites *.

In the meantime, those using Explorer, here are some how-to’s and tips for saving, adding, and organizing your favorite websites.

Explorer automatically provides you with * common * folders in which you can save/add your favorite websites to BUT did you know you can create your own folders, name them how you will remember them and STILL save/add your favorites to them?

It’s easy and FUN! Before we get started on creating your folders, stop and think AND stop and look at what you have already added to your favorites in each * common * folder.

My example is with the * common * folder labeled Lifestyles. I was starting to add various websites to this folder and soon I had such a long list of different types of lifestyles websites, it was getting difficult to locate a site I wanted to visit on my list. I also noticed that many of the websites were common to each other, such as websites on Feng Shui, ones on health, ones on children, ones on seniors, you get the idea…

TIP: If you haven’t added any websites to your Lifestyles folder, please use a folder in you favorites that you have added websites to for this exercise.

First, open up your Favorites folder by clicking on Favorites at the top of your screen.
You will see a list of * common * folders and hopefully one labeled Lifestyles.
Click on the Lifestyles folder. See the long list of websites (pretend or open another folder please).
As I mentioned before, look for websites that have something in common with each other and decide what NEW folder name you would like to store those websites into.

Creating a NEW Favorites Folder
~~ Log onto the Internet
~~ Click Favorites
~~ Click Organize
~~ Click Create Folder
~~ Type in your NEW folder name
~~ Press Return/Enter
~~ Notice the other buttons, Rename, Move to Folder, and Delete (nifty things you can play with some other time )
~~ Click Close after creating all your NEW folders

I see you named a NEW folder Health because you had a lot of websites that had to do with Health saved in your Lifestyle folder.

Now, lets MOVE all the saved Health websites out of Lifestyles into your NEW Health folder. There are two ways to do this.

** Follow the first three steps above under Creating a NEW… (Skip step 1 if you are already on the Internet)
~~ Click on Lifestyles Folder
~~ Locate and Click on the website in your list that you want to move
~~ Click on Move to Folder
~~ You are presented with your list of Folders
~~ Click on the NEW Folder, Health
~~ Click OK
~~ Click Close

OR you can use the drag and drop technique:

~~ Right Click on the website you want to move (Keep the CLICK compressed until you * move * the website)
~~ Drag to the NEW Folder
~~ Drop into NEW Folder by releasing Click
~~ Click MOVE HERE

Repeat this process until you have all your saved favorite websites into the * proper * folders.

If you discover you want to save/add a favorite website to your favorites and you DON’T have a folder already created, fear not, you can save/add and create a NEW Folder at the same time! (I love computers!)

Let’s say you decide you want to save/add my website to your favorites and, maybe in the future, you would like to save/add other organizers websites too, so you decide to make a NEW Folder called Organizers.

~~ Log on to the Internet
~~ Type in my URL/Address:
~~ Press Enter/Return
~~ Click Favorites
~~ Click Add
~~ Click New Folder
~~ Type in Organizers
~~ Click OK
NOTICE: You can change the NAME of the website at this point
~~ Click OK

Remember, Storing, Saving, and Adding your favorite websites to YOUR folders can be FUN, and save a little time and craziness in your life. It will also bring you some control and organization to this crazy computer world that has sooo much to offer.

Smiles, not Piles,
Janet L. Hall

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional
Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of
OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to
her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit
her web site at

Copyright 1999, 2000 by OverHall Consulting
P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676
All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached.

About the Author

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional
Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of
OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to
her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit
her web site at

Written by: Janet L. Hall

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