

Home Office Tip 2...Computer Health Hazards!

Computer Health Hazards.....
Home Office Tips 2
by BB Lee(C)2003

Home office stress related injuries are escalating.
Along with carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strains,
neck strains, back related problems. Let's face it, if
you are behind the keys more than a few hours a week you
will suffer one or more of the above problems.

Neck Strains.
Have you noticed that your neck is stiff after a long
day at the computer? Well, the trouble might be your
monitor height. Your monitor should be eye level so you
will not have to constantly lower, raise, and crook your
neck to view the screen.

Exercise Tip:
Try rotating your your shoulders back several times and
then forward for several more times to reduce stress.
Then slowly turn your head side to side several times.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Also called repetitive motion injury is on the increase.
Why? Because of the new technology, computers are faster
than ever. This leads to more keystrokes which equals
more injuries. That numbness in your wrist or hands might
be a warning that you are suffering from this injury.
Try purchasing one of the gel pads you can rest your hands
on while at the keyboard. This will help tremendously.

Purchase ergonomically made wrist rest and mouse pads
available at most office supply stores to help ease tension
and chance of injury.

Correct posture will help too. Keep your feet flat on the
floor, your knee's parallel to the floor, your back straight,
your upper arms dropping straight down, with elbows to
the side and at the same height as your keyboard.

Exercise Tip:
Try exercising at the computer. Rotate your wrist in
circles for several minutes. Give them a brisk
massage afterwards.

Back Problems.
Make sure your desk chair is adjusted properly. It should
fit the contours of your back and you should be able to move
about easily. Many back problems are caused by badly structured

Exercise Tip:
Stand and stretch gently palms overhead to the sky. Hold
for a few seconds and then relax. This will loosen up tense
back muscles.

Blurred Vision:
Make sure your light sources are not reflected off your
monitor's screen. Glare and refection off the monitor can
cause eye problems leading to blurred vision.

Exercise Tip:
Roll your eyes up and then look down. Blink and then
close your eyes. Do this several times to relieve strain.
Remember to look away from your monitor frequently and
to take more breaks to rest your eyes

BB Lee is Editor Publisher Of SmallBizBits FREE Home Business
Newsletter. Visit at:

About the Author

BB is Editor And Publsiher Of SmallBizBits Home Based Business Newsletter And A Published Freelance Writer.

Written by: BB Lee

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