
Survival Without Computers
I was slowed down when my computer crashed and I had no data, no
address book and not even my passwords to get back online. I
didn't think I was doing anything remarkable by bouncing back to
productivity even with this handicap for a week. But from the
feedback I've had from more than a few people, it seems
paralysis would have been the acceptable common option.
Yes, I got slowed down, but nothing critical was lost and no
appointments missed. Why? Internal reserves, resources and
drive. How do you survive in business today without your
computer (or maybe it's when your cell phone drops in the lake
or your Ipod gets lost)?
There were three parts to my personal survival. They are:
A. Resourcefulness -- When things don't go your way, you can
have a pity party and choose to be paralyzed. Or you can decide
to dig in to your reserves and available resources to propel you
forward in spite of obstacles. I start with a simple question:
What's the most important thing that needs to be done now and
how do I do it (options)?
It's a matter of choosing to get the work done and keeping your
priorities in order, or using this problem (any problem) as an
excuse to procrastinate, or wallow in self-pity, or give up.
B. Intestinal Fortitude -- This was my father's term for the
drive, determination, guts, stamina and the like to find a way
or make a way when you hit a roadblock. Intestinal fortitude
keeps you going because the vision is clear, your passion is
unquenchable and you are a winner - and winners never quit.
Of course when a glitch happens, what matters is how you handle
it, not deny it. Handling a problem head on, gives you an action
plan. Action puts you in control. When you are in control, the
fear and panic can't control you.
If a glitch with your computer is enough to put your whole
business at risk, maybe you need a dose of intestinal fortitude
to make some hard decisions to reduce that risk in the future,
e.g. strategic investments in your infrastructure, etc. Look at
the cost of the investment compared to the direct cost or
opportunity costs of a week offline (think salaries, sales,
customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, product delays, and
shipping delays).
C. Planning -- In this case, I was indeed lucky. The three days
after the disk crash had already been blocked out to work on my
three-year vision and budget to get there and the detailed plans
for 2006. My schedule was already cleared of appointments,
deadlines or correspondence.
As business owners, we all need some reflection time to lift our
sights and take a longer view of where we are going, otherwise,
it's possible to short-change yourself and the business.
The silver lining of my system crash was that without my own
computer, I couldn't be tempted to procrastinate or avoid the
soul-searching and reflection this process requires. I was able
to really concentrate on what I want to do professionally and
personally for the next 12-36 months.
Putting a timeline to the vision and goals accelerates the
business momentum and recharges my batteries for the next 90
days to set it all in motion. Try it.
About the author:
Kerri Salls, MBA runs a virtual business school to train,
consult and coach small business CEO's and entrepreneurs in 10
key strategies to make more profit in less time. Learn more at
http://www.breakthrough-business-school.com/products.html or
sign up for a free weekly newsletter at
Written by: Kerri Salls
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