

What to look for in a Computer Classroom Rental

While price might be the number one consideration, there are a lot of other factors you should investigate when choosing to rent a training facility.

First there is the obvious question: do the specs of the computers meet the technical needs of the training? You will want to check that the CPU speed, the memory, and the size of the hard drives. You will also want to make sure that the type and size of the monitors meet your needs.

Next you need to ask about technical support. Is there a dedicated technical expert support person onsite who has the expertise to install and support the software you will be using? Be sure that the technician will be on site the entire time that the classroom is being utilized to handle any problems that might pop up.

You also need to check the physical characteristics of the classroom. Make sure it is large enough so that each student has adequate space for monitors, manuals and room to take notes. Make sure the projector is high quality and that there are whiteboards, flipcharts or other media for the instructor to use.

An often overlooked aspect is HVAC. You don't want your classroom to be freezing or overheated. The ideal configuration is for the classroom to have its own controls so that heat and air conditioning can be adjusted according to the number of students present.

Be sure to check on other amenities that you want for your students. Are beverage and snacks included? If not, is there a per person charge for catering? Is there a break room available to the students? Can lunch be brought in? If people are traveling, how close is the nearest hotel? Is the hotel walking distance or is other transportation needed? Is there a negotiated rate with the hotel for your students?

A last consideration is the building itself. Is it modern and attractive? Is the location centrally located and easy to find? What about parking? You will want to find out if free parking is available at the venue for students, and if not - find out where parking can be found and what fee the student can expect to pay. If there is a charge for parking you may want to make arrangements to cover the cost for the students.

By following these guidelines you will ensure your ability to provide a comfortable and hassle free environment for your training presentation.

About the author:

Olivia Cain is president of AmeriTeach, a Microsoft Certified Training Center, in Greenwood Village Colorado (suburb of Denver). She has successfully provided computer classroom rentals to many of the Fortune 500. Olivia can be contacted at or toll free at 1-866-78-TRAIN.

Written by: Olivia Cain

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