Zen and the Art of Buying Computer Parts
It's happened to all of us, I'm sure. You are surfing the net and maybe listening to music when all of a sudden...you click the close button on the upper right corner and it freezes. Then you don't know if you should wait until it's done or bash the monitor with the keyboard. Eventually, you get fed up and hit "ctrl+alt+delete" only to get an error. Okay! That's it! I'm turning it off!
Amazing what cheap parts can do, isn't it? It can give you an ulcer...that's for sure. So what's should you do? Follow the path to find your way to computer bliss.
Rule #1: Never, ever buy the best parts. They charge you way too much for a small performance boost. Instead, use that saved money for something computers always need...accessories like a printer, webcam, or external memory.
Rule #2: Know your needs. Getting parts that are way more than you'll ever need isn't smart. It's a bad investment and getting parts that are not nearly as good as you need them to be is an even worse investment!
If you need an office computer, basic components are all you will need. I would recommend a Pentium 4 processor, 512MB of RAM, and Windows XP: Office. That is a solid foundation that will take care of all your needs.
If you need a multimedia computer, I would get the next step up. Getting a Pentium 4 with hyperthreading, two 512MB RAM sticks, and a multimedia management program would be ideal. Hyperthreading is great for a lot of programs used at once which always happens with music, movies, and pictures so it's definitely something to think about.
If you want a gaming computer, then you should get the third down from "top-of-the-line". Try a Athlon 64 3000+ or 4000+, three to four 512MB RAM sticks, and a GeForce 7800 GTX. That guarentees no errors, no crashes, and awesome performance as well as giving you the most value for your money!
For a more thorough explaination, take a look at http://www.gaming-computers-authority.com/Discount-Computer-Parts.html
Rule #3: See through the lies and make an investment you'll be happy with. The $500 computers from Dell or Gateway are a great value, BUT they skimp on things that multimedia and gaming computers need... the RAM, Video card, Sound Card, and even the motherboard! I'd only recommend computers below $700 if they are for office computers.
Again, let me remind you that buying computer parts doesn't have to be a pain. It's just common sense if you follow the three rules. One...don't buy the absolute best parts, two...don't buy parts you don't need, and three...make an investment you will be happy with. Now, if you want more advice and recommendations, check out the website on the bottom of this article. About the Author
Jared Strop is a avid gamer who is busy working at GameStop and webmaster of a computer gamer's haven called http://www.gaming-computers-authority.com that has recommendations and advice about specific computer parts as well as overall buying tips.
Written by: Jared Strop
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