Credit Card Debt


Mistakes Searching For Credit Card Help

Credit card debt can really disturb the peace of your mind. You keep hearing stories about people who run a debt on their credit card debt. Some of these stories are serious and some others are amusing. Heres an amusing one:

The other day I heard a guy tell his story about how he went on his mission to eliminate his credit card debt. He started with reading the advice on various websites and trying various search engines and he was astonished at the number of results he got.

One night he was so tired that he typed in card com credit debt en language site. After he typed card com credit debt en language site, he realized that he had made a slight typing mistake in typing card com credit debt en language site.

His actual intention behind typing card com credit debt en language site was to search for only English sites (.com sites only) that offered credit card debt related advice. His search amused him even more when he found that card com credit debt en language site did actually get him some results. Though the search engine did recommend changing the en to in, there were still some results for card com credit debt en language site.

He just went on to search for card com credit debt en language site as just one term. For card com credit debt en language site as a single term, he got lesser results than he had got for card com credit debt en language site typed in without quotes. He wondered, if a lot of people were making similar searches as he was doing on card com credit debt en language site i.e. using random terms with a bit of mistyping.

He went on to typing card com credit debt en language site on some other search engines, just to check that. Soon, it kind of became a research (and fun) of different kind i.e. searching for card com credit debt en language site and checking if card com credit debt en language site actually meant something.

He thought that it was a bit unusual to have some other people too that were searching for or using the same term card com credit debt en language site (especially such a long term as card com credit debt en language site). When card com credit debt en language site was used without quotes, the search for card com credit debt en language site did yield some useful yields.

So he went on to examine these results that were returned for card com credit debt en language site. However, that was just the fun part of it and he soon went off to sleep.

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