
Designer Gemstone in Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
Azotic Coating Technology, Inc. owns and operates the laboratory where these designer gemstones are created.  These designer gemstones are created with a process developed and patented by Azotic Coating Technology, Inc.  The process creates beautiful colors on stones, which would normally be white stones.  The process has allowed them to create about 1800 unique and unusual colors.  They have used their coating process on cubic zirconia, sapphires, quartz, and topaz.  Topaz is the stone used most often and has a beautiful array of colors.
During the process the gemstones are coated with a sputter coat scattering of tiny flakes of mineral oxide.  The minerals produce a variety of colors when it reflects through the stone.  After the stone has been coated it must then go through a heating process to make the coating cling to the stone.  The Federal Trade Commission has approved this method of enhancing gemstones.
Azotic Coating Technology, Inc. does not sell stones directly to the public.  They process stones sent to them by wholesalers.  Azotic Coating Technology, Inc. has no control over the quality of the stones given to them to put through the process.  Many times they will get quality stone with unique cuts from the wholesaler, but not always.  If you buy one of these stones, check it closely to make sure you didn't receive a stone with nicks or scratches in it.
The particularly extraordinary colors come from stones, which have been processed with more than one mineral.  The best looking one of the stones processed with more than one mineral is the cubic zirconia stone.  When pictures are taken of the same stone in different locations, the stone will appear to be a different stone in each different picture because of the light available at each different location.  Each stone is a kaleidoscope of colors because of the constant changing of the light and the reflection.  These stones are very unique in their colors after they have been processed. 
Even though the Azotic Coating Technology, Inc. came up with names for all the 1800 different colors of the stones they have created, but some sellers are intent in changing the names of the stones.  Sometimes a stone with a name not created by Azotic may be a stone processed by a different company.  You might want to be careful when purchasing some of the other processed stones because the quality of the process may not be as good as the quality provided by the Azotic Coating Technology, Inc.  Just make sure to ask your seller questions.  If he seems to be evading the questions or evasive about the answers, Beware!
The thin coating applied during the process is hard and made to last.  You will have to be careful when wearing these stones to prevent them from being nicked or scratched.  You will want to take them off when doing some of your daily duties.  When cleaning these processed stones, you will not want to use any ultrasonic cleaners.  They may cause damage to the coating because of a pickling solution in the cleaner.  Cleaners, which are safe to use on pearls and opals are recommended by Azotic.  A mild soap and water, rinsed well will also work.
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