
The Cleaning and Care of Your Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
All jewelry needs regular cleaning to maintain their beauty.  The cubic zirconia is not any different.  By following these tips your cubic zirconia will keep its brilliance and sparkle.
When cubic zirconia is set in gold or sterling silver, it can be worn everyday without any damaging effects.  Of course the exceptions are as follows.
Although cubic zirconia's hardness can almost match the hardness of a diamond, both stones can still chip bumped a certain way.  You will want to remove your jewelry anytime you intend to do any heavy labor.
Soaps can leave behind a residue of film that will dim the sparkle and the brilliance of your cubic zirconia.  Make sure to remove your cubic zirconia before showering or any kind of cleaning.
Make-up, face and body powder and lotions can also cause the shine of the cubic zirconia to dull.  So remove your cubic zirconia jewelry before coming in contact with any of these products.
Make a habit of having your cubic zirconia jewelry checked routinely by a jeweler.  He or She will check for any loose settings and will give your cubic zirconia jewelry a cleaning better than you can do yourself.
How to clean you cubic zirconia jewelry
Set a regular time to clean your cubic zirconia jewelry.  The more often it is cleaned the better it will look.  All jewelry will dull a certain amount when it is exposed to body oils, dirt, soap and hand cream.  They will create a solid build up, which can be difficult to remove.
To clean your cubic zirconia jewelry, buy a brand-name jewelry cleaner in a liquid form.  Allow the jewelry to soak according to the manufacturer's recommendations.  A small, soft brush will usually accompany the cleaner, if not you will want to find a clean soft toothbrush to clean hard to reach places.  An ultrasonic cleaner along with a cleaning solution can be used to improve cleaning.  If your cubic zirconia stone has the Azotic coating treatment on it, you can not use the ultrasonic cleaner.
Polish your cubic zirconia jewelry with a soft cotton towel or a chamois skin cloth in between cleanings.
Some cubic zirconia stones are covered with a Lifetime Guarantee, so check with your retailer and follow the recommended cleaning and care procedures.
We all get business with various projects and responsibilities, so it is not uncommon for the cleaning of our jewelry to slip through the cracks.  Have you caught yourself at the last minute of getting ready taking a couple of minutes to clean your jewelry before you put them on to go out for the evening?  All jewelry requires regular cleaning and proper care to maintain their beauty.  So, set aside one day a week, every two weeks, or every month to attend to the cleaning of all your jewelry.  You will be amazed at the results, and you won't have to worry about what condition they will be in when you choose them to wear for a special occasion.
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