Cycling And Back Pain - A Common Problem Faced By Cyclists
Cycling and back pain have a very old relationship with each other. Back pain is a common complaint made by many athletes which is caused by the imbalance of back muscles. Cycling helps us in shaping up our body but sometimes may gives us back pain. Cyclists often face this problem. These back pains can demand you to slow down the speed of cycle and even force you to give up.
Back pain usually happens when you cycle for many hours at a stretch or cycle with wrong body posture. Importance of right correct posture during cycling cannot be overstated. You should be comfortable with the way you are sitting on the cycle and must facilitate the pedaling action.
It is quite important that you should arch your back like a bridge while cycling remember that posture of your favorite cyclist. It has been found that a properly arched back can help you avoid bumps, while an improperly postured back can lead to severe lumbar pain.
How Cycling Might Cause Back Pain?
Cycling is considered the best way to shape up your body. However, back pain may happen because the muscles on lower spine tend to be over stretched and start working harder as the peddling increases. At the same time, the abdominal muscles show decrease in the activity of other parts. This gives stress and results in back pain. In fact, cycling not only gives back pain but may also cause neck pain.
How To Avoid Back Pain During Cycling?
If so many problems can arise, we should take precaution while cycling so that we shape up our body without any pain. The first step in this regard would be to select a bike that best suits you. Adjust the bike in the way that suits your body best. Equally distribute the weight on arms and shoulders when required and keep the chest up. Move the seat forward. Lift and lower the head to loosen your neck. Both pulling and pushing with leg factors are important while cycling so never dare to forget it. Use shock absorbing accessories in the bike, like seat covers, handle covers and shock absorbers on wheels.
Can Exercise Control Back Pain?
Control over back pain caused by cycling depends on three factors. Firstly, you should avoid doing exercises that stress your back. Secondly, focus on that part of muscle that supports your back. Thirdly, do aerobics. The exercises that are recommended to relief you from back pain are walking fast, swimming, and using a ski-machine. By doing these exercises, muscles group (arms and legs) are strengthened with which the body weight distribution and posture is improved which further results in less stress on your back.
As a final word, if you experience severe neck or back pain, never hesitate in consulting a doctor.
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