Learning the Moves – Is it Enough
After six successful seasons on the show it is rather obvious for most viewers that the winner of the show is not always about necessarily who is the most talented.  There are plenty of occasions where a much more talented contestant will be cast away in favor of a contestant that is much more popular.  If you are completely unsure exactly how you are going to really determine the best contestant then it is incredibly difficult to really decide what is most important.  There are several key issues that will heavily influence the outcome of the season.
Of course, Dancing with the Stars is obviously about dancing.  Nevertheless, there is so much more to actually making an incredible run on the show.  If you really look around at all of the different elements, it is really easy to see how the actual dancing can quickly become something that is much less important than the actual presentation of the performers.  For the different celebrities who are less talented but extremely popular it is possible to pick up a large amount of support from the audience.  Often times, this support from the audience and the viewers will go a long way towards holding a contestant into the competition even after they should have gone home.
Many viewers become completely enthused by the actual costumes that are worn rather than actually paying attention to the actual dancing technique of each contestant.  One of the many details that should be thoroughly viewed is the technique though.  This can often be easily overlooked with the glitzy and glamorous costumes that are used, but should never be shoved to the backburner.  Several seasons however have proven that actual technique is not always the most important area to review as there have been several contestants who remained on the show much longer than they should have due to just actual technique seriously lacking.
For the contestants who are actually skilled at dancing it is much easier to relax and enjoy the performance.  But for others this can be extremely difficult.  Contestants who tend to actually enjoy their dancing tend to perform much better, they demonstrate greater levels of confidence and they also are quite talented at putting a good bit of effort together to ensure that they are truly selling their performance to the audience as well as the judges.  While the judges are always going to be much more critical of actual technique, the audience will quickly notice how confident a performer really as, as well as if they seem to actually be enjoying themselves.
Another factor that can play into the draw to win is the relationship between the celebrity and the professional.  While the professional is ultimately responsible for teaching, the celebrity how to dance it is also extremely important that they be close enough to feel comfortable around each other.  For everyone who has actually watched an uncomfortable performance this is a huge issue.  There are many times when partners are not really comfortable together and this can create a huge issue on the dance floor due to the stress coming through even during actual dancing.  In order to really sell themselves to the audience and judges it is critical that the partners actually like and enjoy each other.  However, this does not mean that they have to date or even fall in love.  There is a distinct difference between enjoying your partner and disliking them.
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