Diabetic Diets


Tips for Revamping Favorite Recipes

Everyone has their favorite dishes, ones that mom or grandma used to make or new ones that you have discovered on your own.  Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel that you can never enjoy these dishes again (or not without harming your health).  But there are ways that you can change old family favorites keeping the flavor but reducing or eliminating the amount of sugar or carbohydrates they contain.

For most substitutions that you are going to make to your recipes, you are looking for ways to reduce the fat content.  Here are some standards that you can use.  When your recipe calls for:

*  Whole milk try substituting with 2% or 1% instead
*  Whole eggs try substituting with an egg substitute or use 2 egg whites for every whole egg called for in the recipe
*  Sour cream use low fat sour cream or plan yogurt
*  Baking chocolate try using cocoa powder mixed with vegetable oil (3 tablespoons with 1 tablespoon of oil will equal 1 ounce of chocolate)

In addition to the above suggestions, always use light or lower fat versions of ingredients. Sometimes trial and error is necessary to get the recipe just right, but do keep trying the end result will be worth it when you create a cake or other dessert that you love and is diabetic friendly.

Alternately, you can purchase a diabetic cook book that is full of desserts to make that will work with your diet.  This way you can create new favorites for you and your family to fall in love with.  Dont feel that just because you are a diabetic you cannot enjoy variety in your foods.  Keep trying new things while keeping a close eye on your blood sugar levels to add new foods to your growing repertoire.

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