Dog and Cat


Little Known Dog Breeds

We are familiar with such dog breeds as the poodle and Labrador retriever. There are other breeds less known, especially in this country.  Below, I have given a short description of several of these less-known dog breeds.

Affenpinscher  -- This is the smallest dog in the breed which also presented us the schnauzers. The affenpinscher is thought to be the most suitable for a family pet as it is very intelligent, easy to train of a good demeanor. They have a dark fur and have always shown affection to human beings.

Anatolian Shepherd -- This dog breed is of a medium size and has proved to be very courageous. This breed is very powerful and loyal and it is used for military and hunting purposes.

The basenji --These are medium sized muscular dogs and are also named the African Barkless Dogs. These dogs are able to bark, they just choose not to.  Their biggest skill is hunting.

The Bouvier des Flandres -- This dog is similar to the terrier one . Their fur is generally dark and they have proven to be very calm. At the beginning they were bred as herders in France but nowadays they are used for police and military purposes, as well as guidance for blind persons.

Asian Ovtcharka  --The Central Asian Ovtcharka are large and muscular dogs. They appear to be very loyal and fearless dogs with strong protective instincts which makes them perfect as watchdogs.

The Polish Owczarek Nizinny  -- This dog is of medium size and has long fur which covers its eyes. These are devilish dogs that are known for creating chaos when left alone.

The next time you are looking to add a new dog to your household, why not take a look at one of these?

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