Free Content Distribution


Article Distribution Service - A Cost Effective Online Marketing Method

Article distribution service is a specific service that does the free content distribution for you on hundreds of article directories. It means you do not have to visit each of the directories individually and submit your articles manually. It usually takes five minutes to submit one article to a directory. Therefore, if you have to submit your article to one hundred article directories, you will have to spend five hundred minutes to do the needful, which is not practically possible for you. After all, there are many better things to do in this world than just doing article submission. This is where you can find an article distribution service, a great help. They will charge you a small amount of money for their services. However, keeping in view the ultimate advantages of these services, it is worth spending that amount.

Double Your Web Traffic

When you submit an article to a single article directory, you cannot expect to gain thousands of views in a single day unless you have written an exceptionably interesting article with the best search engine optimization techniques. In general, a quality article usually gets 100-200 views a day. On the other hand, if you avail the article distribution service, your article is submitted to hundreds of article directories. Now imagine if the average number of views of your article on each of these directories is only 50 per day, you straightaway get a total of 5000 views. Even if only 20% of the total readers follow the link to your website mentioned in the resource box, you will still gain 1000 quality visitors to your website in comparison to just 10 or 20 visitors that you can earn by doing free content distribution to a single directory. 

It Is A Cost Effective Method Of Promotion

It is true that you have to pay for the article distribution service. You may be thinking that there are lots of free ways to get the website traffic to your site, why should you pay then? Well, if you closely analyze the process and consider the different factors, you will find that despite being a paid service, free content distribution service is still the most cost effective method to promote your website. For example, suppose you spend one hour to write a good informative article. It takes you two minutes to submit the article to the website of the article distribution service provider. Now, you just have to sit and watch. You will be getting 1000 new visitors to your website daily, which means 30000 visitors in a month. The average monthly fee charged by these service providers is around $30. Now, tell me which other method can get 30000 new visitors to your site within a month at a cost of only $30? Also, keep in mind that you have to spend only one hour for this entire process.

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