

Board Games

There are many many types of board games out there. There are board games for kids. There are board games for adults and there are board games for adults and kids to play together. There are board games that just require luck. There are board games that require some skill. And there are board games that require knowledge. Board games can be fun and exciting. Board games can provide hours of entertainment for the whole family.

Who doesn't remember playing board games as a kid? Sometimes on a rainy summer day, board games were all you had to help keep you busy. On one hand, you were trapped inside playing board games, while another precious day of summer vacation slipped away like the runoff down the drains. But on the other hand, a day spent indoors playing board games while the thunder cracked outside and the rain poured down was kind of a welcome break from summer, playing board games with your brother or sister while the storm clouds gathered outside and it got dark as night in the afternoon on a hot august day was actually a lot of fun.

Most kids have their favorite board games. We loved the board games Parcheesi and Monopoly. We could play these board games for hours on end. Sometimes, our board games got a little intense, but we always had fun. Unlike some grown-ups we knew. Talk about board games getting intense. Whenever all the aunts and uncles and cousins would gather at my grandmother and grandfather's house, invariably, it would lead to an evening's game of Monopoly after dinner. Board games are supposed to be fun and exciting, but I think the adults in the family used to get a little too excited over these board games. I remember a lot of yelling and arms waving around. You would have thought they were paying each other with real money when the rent was due for their stay at the Park Place Hotel.

Those board games got a little out of hand and a few times, I thought it would come to blows over a property or rent dispute. Some board games can teach a kid a lot, but I am not sure board games were teaching us much of anything good when we watched the adults playing them. But board games truly can be educational in a good way.
Some of the new board games emphasize knowledge as well as luck and even if you don't know the answers to the questions on these board games, you can learn a lot from finding out the right answer after you just cost your team the game...

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