Handywork Knitting Crocheting


Crocheting is a Popular Teen Pastime

One of the fastest growing trends today is teenagers learning to crochet.  While the word crochet used to make you think of grandma sitting in her rocker knitting a baby blanket or baby clothing for some distant relative, this is just simply not the case anymore.  Today, millions of teens and young adults everywhere are learning to crochet.  And, they are creating some amazing garments and decorative items as well!

Today, there are many crochet books published which are targeted specifically at teens and young adults.  These books are flying off the shelves in record numbers.  Many of the crochet books today come with some really hip and colorful projects which appeal to teens and young adults.  Add to that the amazingly cool yarns and fibers available today, and you have a winning combination. 

As the popularity of crochet grows, there are even starting to be after school clubs dedicated to the art of crochet.  In these clubs, teens get together and learn new crochet techniques, share ideas, and show off their latest completed projects with each other.  While crochet is usually seen as a very solitary craft, joining a crochet club allows you to share your works with others and gain inspiration.  Crochet clubs also bring a social aspect to the art of crochet which has never been there in the past. 

While teen crochet is the most popular with girls, an amazing number of boys are learning to crochet as well.  It is no longer considered taboo for a boy to learn to crochet.  And, if he is interested in girls there are plenty of them at the local crochet club.  Many a teen romance has started over a crochet hook and yarn.  Many boys are making laptop covers and gifts for the special people in their lives.  What teen girl wouldnt love to get a hand made item from her boyfriend? 

Why is crochet popular with teens today?  Some believe it is the affordability and ease of acquiring the supplies necessary coupled with the popularity of simple items such as iPod cozies and cool hats and scarves.  Others credit the Internet and the availability of really cool patterns which designers today are aiming at the teen and young adult markets.  Where crochet books and magazines tended to be marketed for older people in the past, the Internet and todays books and magazines are aiming for a much younger market. 

For many years past, crochet was seen as something your granny did.  Now, as we move on in the twenty-first century, it has become cool among young women and even young men.  The recent introduction of the Internet into everyday life has made crochet an easy skill to learn and gives you something to share with others all over the world.  Even when you are brand new to crochet you can create some great items with all of the new and exciting yarns and fibers on the market today. 

Hand crochet garments are seeing a resurgence in popularity, and this fact is fueling the crochet trend even more.  Everyone wants to have a special hand made item that they can say that they made themselves.  With the popularity of crochet came crochet clubs which offer a great venue to show off your latest creations and gain ideas for more crochet projects to come in the future.  Thankfully, the trend of teen and young adult crochet is expected to continue for years to come. 

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