
HOMOEOPATHY - Introduction Part 2
Subjects studied in homoeopathy:-
History of medicine
History & developement of homoeopathy
Pioneers of homoeopathy
Organon of medicine
Homoeopathic philosophy
Materia medica
Homoeopathic pharmacy & pharmacognosy
Homoeopathic repertory
Homoeopathic case taking
Homoeopathic therapeutics
General medical subjects:
( Anatomy,physiology,pathology,microbiology,parasitology,toxicology,forensic medicine,social &  preventive medicine,surgery ,ENT ,gynaecology & obstetrics, opthalmology, dentistry, orthopedics, surgery,general medicine,pediatrics,dermatology ,psychiatry and ect)
Homoeopathic case taking and prescription.
Cure by a homoeopathic medicine is rapid ,gentle and permenent if correct remedy in suitable dose is given. . Just giving one drug for one disease (specific drugs)may not give good result.To come to a correct remedial diagnosis we should have the symptomatology of the person .It is the total symptoms of a person which includes mental generals,physical generals,particular symptoms ect.
All signs and symptoms (mental&physical)of the person is taken in detail.Knowledge about past illness,family history of diseases,food & bowel habits,notable causes,relation to climatic changes and constitution ect are noted down in a systematic order.
Mental symptoms: 
Example: fear,anxiety,depression,anger,jealousy and ect....
Physical symptoms:
Example: Body makeup, appetite, thirst, desires, aversions, bowels, urination, sleep, taste, nature of smell, discharges any abnormal sensations like pain, burning, climatic changes, thermal relations, and etc...
Peculiar uncommon symptoms:
This is the speciality of homoeopathic system of medicine.For the selection of a suitable remedy these symptoms are very important.common symptoms which are seen almost in all patients are least important.  This is the reason for giving different medicines to different individuals suffering from same disease.Example: Five people suffering from typhoid may get five different remedies because of changes of individual symptoms.
Particular/local signs&symptoms:
This include signs &symptoms related to body parts &organs.
Example: Part affected,any swelling,discolouration ect.
Systemic examination:-
Different systems are examined in a systematic order.(Respiratory system ,digestive system,nervous system,cardio vascular system and ect....)
Vital signs
Pulse,blood pressure,temperature,respiratory rate ect are checked here.
General physical examination:
Here body parts are examined from head to foot to findout any changes.
provisional disease diagnosis;  Here probable diseases are diagnosed. In homoeopathy disease diagnosis is not that much important for the selection of a  remedy,but needed for general management and to know the prognosis.
Investigations : This includes lab investigations and other methods to find out any other major illnesses.   Final disease diagnosis:
After doing all investigations the disease is diagnosed.
Remedial diagnosis:
This is the most importnant part as far as homoeopathy is concerned. For this the selected symptoms are arranged in a systematic order on the basis of importance. Symptoms are analysed to find out the importance of each symptom for the selection of a remedy.Remedies are selected on the basis of similarity.
Suitable remedies are diagnosed by a process called repertorisation. Here books called repertories are used. Repertory is the index of symptoms of materia medica(books which  contain the symptoms of drugs).Nowadays computer softwares are used for repertorisalion.By this process we will get the remedies covering  maximum important symptom of the patient.
Amoung this group of remedies  the most suitable remedy is selected by referring various books and considering the life space investigation of the patient..The selected medicine is given in suitable potency & dose.
The root cause of disease is miasms which should be eradicated using suitable anti miasmatic drugs.Every drug can eradicate the miasm if there is symptom similarity.There are anti psoric drugs,anti syphilitic drugs and anti sycotic drugs.After diagnosing the miasm suitable anti miasmatic drug has to be given to complete the cure.
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