
Decorate your Sapin de Noel in France for Christmas
Nearly every French home at Christmastime displays a Nativity scene which are called crèche, and is the centerpiece
of the Christmas celebration. Its often decorated with small clay figurines called santons that represent little saints.  Santons are a tradition thats been handed down through the generations.  They are made by craftsmen in the south of France, and can be purchased during annual Christmas fairs. The Sapin de Noor Christmas tree, is also an important Christmas centerpiece. It is found decorating homes, streets, shops, offices, and factories. It was introduced to France by a German princess called Hde Mecklembourg. She brought one to Paris after her marriage to the French heir to the throne, the Duke of OrlThe idea of the Christmas tree came from Alsace in the 14th century. In those days, people decorated Christmas trees with apples, paper flowers, and ribbons. To the French, the Christmas tree symbolizes light and the movement of angels, the gifts of the orchards and fields, forests and sea. All of these gifts are topped off by the star atop the tree that points to Heaven.  The French bake a traditional Yule cake in the shape of a log, called the Buche de Nol, meaning Christmas log.  Its served at the great seasonal feast called the Le Reveillon, a supper served following midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Depending on the region of France, the menu might include goose, turkey, or oysters. French children receive gifts from Pere Noel who travels with his stern disciplinarian companion Pre Fouettard whose job it is to remind Pere Noel exactly who has behaved that year and who has not. In some parts of France Pere Noel brings small gifts on St. Nicholas Eve, December 6, and visits again on Christmas. In other places it is believed to be Le Petit Jesus, or baby Jesus, who brings the gifts. Adults generally wait until New Years Day to exchange gifts.
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