The Heart of Home Brewing
Can you remember the moment you first got the idea in your head to take up brewing your own beer at home?  For many it is a tour of a brew pub or some other behind the scenes exposure to all that happens when good beer is made.  Before that one pivotal moment, you may have never even thought about beer being made at all.  The origin of beer was the liquor store or the market and that was that.  But when you realized that not only does beer go through a fascinating transformation from grains, hops and malts to this delicious brew you enjoy but that you can make your own beer if you want to, that is when the idea of becoming a home brewer started to become a reality in your mind.
For others that moment of realization that home brewing could be a whole new world may have happened when you first were exposed to " real" beer, as the home brewing enthusiasts call it.  That is when you sampled a brew that was not made by one of the big retail beer makers like Budweiser, Coors or Miller and you discovered what beer tasted like when it came directly from the brewing process to your glass.  That may also be the day you found out what an amazing diversity of beer types, textures and flavors there were.  And for many when you realize that you can find a diversity of beers that is almost as extensive as in the wine world that it is often very difficult to go back to boring old pasteurized beer again.
So if you are about to " make the leap" to become a home brewer yourself, you are about to step into a rich and full world that is full of history, culture, tradition and new friends and associates.  You won't just take up the hobby of brewing beer, you will " become" a home brewer which is a unique kind of individual indeed. 
It isn't hard to " define" home brewing because the term is self explanatory except to go on to say that it is entirely possible for you to make high quality beer right in your own home with a small investment in equipment, the base ingredients that are readily available as well and the love and patience it will take to learn the process.  But the process is not difficult which explains why home brewing is a passion and a hobby that is growing in popularity more and more every year.  You might be surprised who you know who has a love of brewing beer because it is not just the hard core beer drinker you might know.  Because brewing beer at home is as much about the art and the craft of making a quality beverage, home brewers come from every walk of life there is from bartenders to ministers and from college professors to librarians. 
The heart of home brewing is the fun, the excitement and the fulfillment creating your own batch of delicious beer can bring.  But what transforms home brewing hobbyists to life long makers of beer is the challenge of always finding new blends, new methods and new ways to make their beer even more flavorful than the last batch. 
Be forewarned that a zeal for becoming better and better at home brewing can be habit forming.  But if you get hooked, you will meet thousands of others in your town and around the country and the world who have the same addiction as you.  Its a wonderful addiction that you will never regret catching because brewing beer at home can provide decades of fun and enjoyment making your own blends of beer.  But it provides something else just as good which is really great tasting beer.  So enjoy.
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