Hot Tub


The Medical Community And Hot Tubs

It doesn't take much investigation to be able to come to the conclusion that the medical community is all in favor of the healing properties that are brought up by the simple activity of relaxing in a hot tub.

It's not just about relaxing, either, because there are athletes and trainers who have been using the whirlpool effect with hot water to soothe athletes for years.

How many times have you seen the nightly news only to see a story about an athlete who is feeling sore in a specific area and we can see him in the background, sitting next to a big aluminum-looking tub with whatever is ailing him submerged in the water?  Coaches and trainers have known for years what the medical community is just now advocating; by allowing submersion in hot water, a healing can occur.  No medications, no drugs, no shots, just some hot water.  Go figure.

Aren't we just amazed by what professional athletes put their bodies through?  Watch one game on Monday night football to gain a respect of what those guys put themselves through for the sake of the game, that's all you'll need to start to understand that if they find a healing property in hot water, why shouldn't we? 

I remember the movie North Dallas Forty from many years ago which is about the Dallas Cowboys' football team.  I remember a scene where the camera angle was as close to the real thing of being in the place of the player and for just a few moments, as the audience, could experience what it must be like to play that game as a pro.  It was incredible!  Men weighing more than 200 pounds, wearing cleats on their feet were actually stepping on one another to get that football, it was painful to watch.  Immediately after the game, it did not show the players at a bar, enjoying a beer together or at home with their families.  What we saw was probably a lot more like the reality of players; they were bandaged up, moaning because of their sore muscles and they were neck high in a hot tub because they knew, without a doubt, that by sitting in hot water they could reap some of the benefits of healing without the need for drugs.

Maybe I read too much into the movie, but the point is, the trainers and coaches of great athletes have been using the hot tub-method for healing for centuries and it is today, in the 21st Century that the medical community has hopped on board and backed the findings that sitting in a hot tub will help to heal sore muscles. 

Today the medical community is using the idea of hot tubs for healing for all kinds of medical problems; people with diabetes have been known to reduce their blood sugar with a consistent use of a hot tub, people who have suffered a stroke have been able to have that almost-normal feeling they had before their stroke when they are in a hot tub.

Maybe it has taken a long time for the medical community to endorse the use of hot tubs for healing, but the bottom line is they have come to the conclusion and that's progress.

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