Improve Memory


How to Memorize

To memorize is to store information in your brain for reuse later.  The definition of memory is the power or act of remembering.  The definition of remembering is to recall, to bring back to mind by an effort.

Some people are able to memorize things temporarily and then forget them when they are no longer of use.  Many times this is the case with a person who may study just for the sake of passing a test containing information they don't feel is of particular importance, yet they are required to know it anyway for a job or to pass to the next level of a class or school.
Preschoolers must make the effort to memorize the alphabet, to recognize colors, to write their names.  This type of information is of importance in their daily lives as they go through each year of school.  Often an older child will have to memorize the multiplication tables or all the states in the United States.

Use of flash cards is a well-known way to memorize.  If you are studying a foreign language, you can use the flash cards to write one interpretation on one side, and the other version of the word on the other side.  Children's books often use the flash method to tell a story that will help the child memorize.  Pop-ups are a fun way to learn.  Many books will use pictures of animals, toys, or even food to help the child memorize the name of a word and its proper usage.

Have you ever taught tricks to a dog?  It must memorize the steps to the trick in the process of learning what you want.  Teaching a parrot to talk requires the parrot to memorize the words you choose for it to learn.  Sometimes an animal can memorize the path home or a smell of certain people.  Maybe you need to learn some tricks, like recalling names at a party!
To remember combinations, middle school students must memorize the numbers that will open their locks.  They also have to memorize their school ID numbers to go through the line in the cafeteria for billing to their lunch accounts.

Sometimes people have to make phone calls and don't have pen and paper ready.  They may have to temporarily memorize the number given them by an operator assistant.

If you have children, you may have asked them to memorize things like their phone numbers and addresses in case they get lost.  Their teachers may even require this at the beginning of their school year in the younger grades of education.
There are a vast number of books written on the process to improve memory.  Word games were invented for such a use.  Even crossword puzzles require extensive use of the memory.  Studies have been done for years on ways to trick your mind to memorize.  Playing with people's names can help you memorize them.  Make a rhyming game in your mind with the name.  Rhyming stories are a fun way to memorize.  Or you could try associating the name with a color.  Whatever your choice to improve your memory, it can only benefit you to succeed!

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