Improve Memory


Research On Memory Loss

As the threat of memory based diseases such as Amnesia and Alzheimer is increasing, the medical fraternity is trying their best to come out with the best of solution. Several researches are being carried on globally to make difference to such conditions. Some achievement has been made so far but nothing considerable as come so far. As Alzheimer is being a constant threat to the growing number of elderlies according to one of the statistics nearly 65% of them are exposed to the disease. Little diagnosis could be made so far as not too many are aware of the condition and refer it to the aging process. Until they realize that it's affecting their quality of life. So much so that it has damaging effect on them in various ways such as psychological, emotional and financial. Especially in a nuclear family setup older folks find themselves ignored most of the time. Due to ignorance and little awareness the disease is barely diagnosed on time and leads to death.

Current research on memory loss reveals that Omega 3 fats are helpful in declining such conditions. Folic acid and folate are also known to help the condition; supplements if taken for 3 years can significantly help on improving cognitive functions. People who consume fish on a regular basis have lesser chances of suffering from any form of Dementia. Vegetables also are known to be rich in few minerals and vitamin that helps in neurons functions. Exercise is however the most important way to keep the brain active as it leads to better blood circulating throughout body and brain.

According to a study those who exercise three times a week are less prone to develop disease such as Alzheimer. Brain diet mostly constitutes of low saturated fats, coniferous vegetables, fruit and fish with omega-3 fatty acids. An active social life enhances our defenses and builds immunity and reduces inflammation. Green tea also may work as wonder for the brain research have proved that those who have regular intake of green tea are less likely to suffer from cognitive impairment. Drinking 2 servings of green tea a day can help keep any cognitive dysfunction at bay. Keeping a check on weight also helps to counter Dementia. Blood pressure and cholesterol control can lower the risk of Alzheimer. Eating leafy green vegetables and coniferous veggies also helps in restoring cognitive functions. So one should carefully include all the green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach in one's diet plan.

Older people who exercise on a regular basis are known to generate more brain cells than their counterparts who do not exercise and also learn new skills more effectively. Consuming fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants helps in boosting metabolism and maintain the integrity of nerve cell components. Magnesium and Zinc intake are also known to improve and maintain brain receptors thus enhancing memory. Research has also proven blueberries, Ginseng, Gastrodine and Gingko Biloba to help create new neurons and improve memory functions. Vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E and other nutritional supplements intake helps restoring memory function and build new cells However justifiable amount of caffeine taken thru tea and coffee also sharpens brain proven by a recent research. Lowering of cortisol level and stress can help regenerate its power to remember and learn. Aerobics can protect brain tissue from aging and decline. These are results of few researches that have been done to check memory loss and brain related disorder.

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