info product



When creating products for profit, think about the questions posed by Randy Charack in Chapter 2 of "The E-Code: 33 Internet Superstars Reveal 43 Ways to Make Money Online Almost Instantly---Using Only Email" by Joe Vitale.

"Would you rather pay a little more money and get a lot more? or pay a little less and get a lot less?"

He goes on to explain:

"If the product you are considering buying is designed to make you more money, and you will make a lot more money because of the built-in extras and the added bonuses, you will be happy to pay a little bit more. Right?"

The idea here is based on the following equation:


The easiest way to illustrate this is with a few examples. Consider the following:

Digital Product A
An ebook consisting of a 10 page .exe file (this can only run on a Windows PC and cannot be printed)
Looks like good information with a short sales letter
Product sells for $27

Digital Product B
An ebook consisting of a 10 page .PDF file (this can be run on Windows PCs and Mac's)
2 additional ebooks illustrating points made in the ebook (value over $100)
2 pieces of software that can be used to implement the ideas in the ebook (value over $100)
Looks like good information with an acceptable sales letter, and pictures of the bonuses
Product sells for $47

Which product would you rather purchase? Even if the ebooks are identical, Digital Product B will likely sell a lot more copies, even though the price is higher, because of the perceived value. You are showing your readers respect by providing them time saving extras! You are also saving them money as well.

Of course, your site will also need to establish your credibility by providing testimonials and backing up your major claims, but you would have done this with either product. By adding the element of "Respect" for your customers, you make them happier and earn yourself higher profits in return!

So, how can you apply the equation to your own info products? Well, when deciding what product to create and what content to include in the product, remember to show your reader "Respect".

Also remember that you need to add "Credibility" to the equation by providing a sound basis for your assertions in your ebook. You will also want to establish "Credibility" through your presentation of the ebook itself as well as through your website. Provide testimonials; back up your claims, etc. When you put Respect and Credibility together, you will have a Happier Customer, and that will provide you with Higher Profitability.

There are a number of ways that you can make money providing information to people online. One of the most profitable ways to do that is to create your own info product and to maximize it’s profitability by combining it with other people’s products.

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