Job interview


Ask Your Own Questions

Okay, you have made it to the end of your interview and the interviewer says it is now your turn.  They want to know if you have any questions for them.  And most likely you do:  How did I do and Are you going to hire me unfortunately you cant ask either one.  But there are questions that you can ask to glean some information on how you performed and to determine if the company is a right fit for you.

Although it is not acceptable to ask how you did in an interview, it is okay and encouraged to ask what the next steps are and the timeline for them.  Depending on how this is answered, you may be able to figure out their reaction to you.  But this is not full- proof and is not a guarantee.  If they take the time to explain all the checks they need to go through, how many people they have left to interview and so on, they are probably interested and want you to understand that there is still steps left in the process.  If they only tell you that you will hear from them within a certain period of time via letter, well it isnt as promising.

Look at the opportunity to ask your own questions as your chance to interview the company.  Of course you have done your research prior to attending and have made up a list that you wrote down before attending.  Show your preparedness and pull out the list to ask your questions.  Things like company direction and expansion show an interest in the business.  Feel free to take notes; it can earn you brownie points.  Ask questions that are important to you as well, if vacation time and benefits are a deal breaker for you, find out now what the company has to offer.

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