Joint Venture Marketing


8 Blunders That Kill Your Joint Venture Profits

Not getting desirable joint venture profits? Then you might have made or must be making one or more of the following blunders in your joint venture.

8 Blunders That Destroy Chances Of joint Venture Profits

You know youve made a mistake when

You didnt send another mailing to your joint venture partners. Do you know you can attract 50% of the earlier response by second mailing? Somebody has truly said, Try and try again!
You chose the incorrect mailing list. Remember, 40% response depends on this list. Another 40% depends on the offer that you make. The remaining depends on other marketing elements.
You focused on visitors rather than buyers. Pay more attention to those who bought from you twice than those who tried your product or service just once. This is because the former have already built a rapport with you. They are more likely to buy from you again and become your loyal customers. So, do not let them go!
You forgot to use spam check service while sending emails. Tsk Tsk, what an unwise thing to do! Do you know that a mind boggling 40%-70% of emails are blocked through spam filters? This is not our wild imagination going wilder; this is what a research by Time magazine says! Spam filters are murdering your profits check them now!
You didnt test the mailing. Testing decreases the risk. Therefore, its wise to test mail to some of the highest ranking names in your list.
You wrote a complicated piece that made your potential partner think its an offer to design a rocket! Thanks, but no thanks!
You mailed your letter on the wrong day. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the best days to send your emails.
You sent an endorsed mail without knowledge about visitor value or conversion rate. Its like running with eyes tightly shut!
You associated with a partner who does not have strong relationship with their clients. You must know that relationship with customers is the biggest thing that influences sale and makes for joint venture profits.

Omigosh! So many mistakes! Well, theres still time to improve to attract joint venture profits. If youve selected the wrong partner, you can switch over to someone more profitable. In case you didnt send another mail, do it now! If youve a habit of writing long letters, learn to be more professional and write to-the-point. Now you know that Sunday, Monday, and Saturday are the worst days to send mails. You also know that one should develop a strong bonding with the customers.

Youre better informed and ready to improve your mistakes. You can well start dreaming of huge joint venture profits!

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