Joint Venture Marketing


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Some Top Joint Venture Marketing Methods

Several joint venture marketing methods can help you promote your products in the most affordable way. The greatest thing about this type of marketing is that it offers you an opportunity to use the contact list of other people, the web traffic of their websites, and their relationship with their customers. The best way to use this method is to set up fifty-fifty deals with the list owners who have the same target audience as you have. However, the advantages of this method is so powerful that even if you are supposed to give up seventy or eighty percent of the entire amount to the second party, you are recommended to go for it. Following are some of the other ways that you may like to try for this kind of marketing:

Selling The Reprint Rights

One of the best joint venture marketing methods is to sell the reprint rights for one of your products. In order to achieve your objective, you may like to prepare a specific product for this purpose. The product you are going to sell the reprint rights of must have a low cost license. You have to prepare a package that should carry plenty of information regarding the major products that you want. Do not forget to include the links to those products in the package. By selling the reprint rights for such a package, you are actually trying to reach your target audience. It is true that licensing off this product may result in some amount of losses, but the eventual profits that you will make through this are certainly going to be much greater than the losses.

Organizing The Win-Win Teleconference With Other Experts 

Organizing a joint teleconference with other experts who are targeting the same market has also been considered as one of the most product and result oriented joint venture marketing methods. As per this method, you have to organize a free teleconference with these experts, where each of you will be sharing your best ideas regarding the subject. All the experts must also inform their subscribers about such teleconference. This way, by sharing your best tips, you can attract hundreds of other subscribers. When you get your turn to share the tips, do not forget to make a free or low cost offer to the subscribers to respond to your website regarding your opinion. As we can see, this method is a win-win situation for all the experts participating in the teleconference.

Writing product reviews for other experts is also one of the most advantageous joint venture marketing methods. True that you are writing articles for others, but you should take it as an opportunity to advertise your own products from the website of other experts through the resource box included with the article. 

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