Free Stuff! Why Joint Venture Giveaways Are So Popular!
One of the most popular aspects of joint marketing schemes is the joint venture giveaways. Let's face it- people love to get free stuff and these kinds of giveaways can attract traffic like a magnet. While these schemes certainly have their benefits, they have their pitfalls as well.
The Upside
There are numerous reasons why joint marketing giveaways are a great business proposition. For instance, if you have a backlog of products that you haven't been able to sell, these giveaways help you unload your stock and harvest email addresses in return. You'll also be able to use the giveaways as a lure to show customers your other products and services. Better yet, they'll recognize your name when they see it again- this can go a long way in harnessing repeat business.
If you don't have a product for your joint marketing giveaways, don't worry. You can easily find one on the internet and in some cases; you won't have to pay for it either. You can technically give away anything that you own the rights to. In order to do that, you can buy ebooks or articles on auction sites that have Private Label Rights. In this way, you buy the rights to the product so you can give it away or even touch it up a bit and put your name on as an author. You can also give away books that are part of the public domain- you can easily find these on Google.
The Downside
Unfortunately, there are a few downsides to joint marketing giveaways as well. However, with a little foresight and extra care, you can easily deal with these issues. First of all, free stuff on the internet is nothing new. If you're giving away a free ebook on SEO, you should remember that you're not the first person to do that. There are literally hundreds of free ebooks and articles out there- the trick is to ensure that yours is unique and stands out from the crowd. If your product deals with a common topic, try and deal with it or promote it in a unique way.
A bigger problem with joint marketing giveaways is the actual consumer. There are a number of people in cyberspace who spend their time looking for freebies. One of the tactics they use is to provide a throw-away email id- this is an address that is simply given for sign-ups and is never checked. These people have no qualms about taking your free stuff and leaving you with a list of useless email ids. It's imperative that you use a filtering system to ensure that the email ids are valid. After that, you can release the free product to the customer.
Being aware of the pitfalls of joint marketing giveaways will make it easier for you to avoid them- better yet, you'll be able to modify your strategy to maximize on the benefits of this scheme.
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