Make Money Writing Articles


Making Money with Articles How to Get Ideas

If you have recently learned that you can make money by writing articles, your fingers may be typing away.  With that said, most article writers reach a point in time where they do not know what to write about.  This time comes when it seems like you have written articles on just about every topic under the sun.  So, what should you do?

If you are a writer who is outsourced by another writer, a website owner, or a search engine optimization company, you shouldnt have difficult finding articles to write.  This is because your clients tell you want they want written.  Simply just follow the directions given to you.

If you are writing articles for yourself, this is where you may find the most problems.  Articles are used as a way to make money on blogs and content filled websites.  To increase your changes of making money, with advertisement clicks, your website or blog needs to be filled with fresh content.  However, after time it may feel as if you are drained of new ideas.  The good news is that there are many ways for you to get new article ideas.

If you are writing on a topic that you know about or experienced personally, take a close look at your life.  Chances are, your readers can relate to you.  Do you have a blog that focuses on job searching?  Write a few articles that discuss your struggles to find a job, but add in a few professional tips.  Remember, if your readers can relate to you, add a small, but effective personal spin on your articles.

One of the easiest ways to get article ideas is to visit websites that are known as question and answer websites or advice websites.  These are websites where internet users post questions for others to answer.  Honestly, getting article ideas doesnt get any easier than this.  For example, if a poster asks for tips on applying for a position as a part-time bartender, write an article on the subject. 

Similar to question and answer websites are online message boards.  Online message boards are a popular way for internet users to communicate with each other.  What is nice is that many online message boards are themed.  For example, you can find forums for those who are pet owners, parents, work-at-home parents, video game enthusiasts, and so forth.  Find message boards that are in line with the articles you want to write about.  See what people are talking or asking about online.  Create articles that answer those questions.

The news can also be used to give you ideas for articles.  One of the best ways to make the most money with articles is to create articles on topics that are popular or in demand.  Whether you rely on clicks from your advertisements or if you want to outright sell your articles for others to use, the news can be a great source of information.  In keeping with career searching, did you just read an article on the low employment rate?  Write an article on how the low employment rate impacts your chances of getting a job.

Keyword research tools are another method of getting article ideas.  These tools will tell you the exact phrases that internet users are searching with.  Not only will this give you article ideas, but it can also perfect your article writing techniques.  By incorporating the keyword phrases into your articles, like free resume templates, your articles will be picked up by the search engines.  This results in more traffic for your website or blog, which can increase your chances of making money through articles and advertisements.

As previously stated, articles that are in demand tend to sell the best and generate the most website or blog clicks.  For that reason, think of the seasons.  What is the next holiday to approach?  Is it Christmas?  Write a few articles on how to apply for seasonal retail positions.  Remember useful articles are likely to generate the most income.

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