

Metabolic Rate and Its Effects on Metabolism

Have you ever asked your self if why your friend's way of losing weight is seems not giving you half of the results she or he enjoys? It has something to do with your metabolic rate. This metabolic rate varies in every person and it means we need varied way of losing weight.

Metabolic rate is the rate at which our body burns calories to sustain life. Our body burns endlessly burn calories even if we are sleeping. Our muscles are responsible for burning down calories though we are not performing any physical activity. Muscles are called " metabolic reactive" because of the said qualities.

Age may determine differences in metabolic rate but there are others which the degree of influence is just not as much as other factors or determinants.

Stress is actually one of the lesser influential among all the factors. However, it does give a difference. Most people who are stressed out are more prone to slower metabolism. Stress disrupts some normal processes of the body. This makes them gain more weight faster than those who experience lesser stress. It is also true that people eat more when they are stressed or depressed. Eating serves as the catharsis for them.

In our endocrine system, a gland called " thyroid" is responsible for our weight and other bodily processes. This would mean that hormonal production especially involving the thyroid is sure to affect every person and thus, giving different effects to each. That is why people come in different metabolism and different sizes. Genes have something to do with it too.

Water intake is also a factor. Bodily processes are often involving the water portion of our body. This means that those who hydrate well have the chance to have faster metabolism than those who have lower levels. Inadequate water intake may impede body processes thus affecting one's metabolic rate.

Of course, the food we eat is one of the strongest factors. The choice of food actually varies to one's lifestyle. Most busy people are into fast food. This leads them to an unhealthy diet- giving then higher calorie intake compared to those who are into healthful food. More calories, slower metabolic rate- more weight to gain.

Activities involving the body are one of the top determinants of metabolic rate. There must be a balance between the food intake and the work you do. Though you eat food but the activities you do are not that beneficial to your wellness

According to experts, muscles are the biggest factor in a person's metabolic rate. The more the muscular tissues are, the higher the metabolic rate would be. This makes people with more active muscle tissues lose weight faster than those who do not.

With these points, people must be aware of these factors so that it will be easier for them to work out on their target weight management and choose their own means of slimming down.


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