Outsource and Delegate


Delegation – A Foundation To Build A Successful Business Empire

Delegation is the most essential requirement for the healthy growth of any business enterprise.  Regardless of the size of a business, good entrustment skills of a manager are required for the successful functioning of a company.  An efficient manager will hand over some of his tasks to his subordinates and thereby save time so as to concentrate on other issues that need his attention more.  Unfortunately, many companies are facing a failure in this regard because of an improper usage of designating skills.  The main reason behind it is the managers distrust on his employees.  Let us know what the term delegation actually means.

The Concept

An assignment in true sense covers the three important role areas of a manager.  They are
The Task:  Effectiveness and efficiency, monitoring and safety requirements.
The Team:  Working relations and making decisions.
The Individual:  Development and communication.

While delegating work to others, you have to take all the three factors into account.  Remember that individual and team development is very important for an efficient delegation and ignoring even any one of the above basics will lead to failure.

How Is Delegation Different From Allocation

Delegation and allocation are considered synonymous; however it is very important to know the actual difference between them.  Allocation just means that you assign task to employees with an intention of getting it accomplished, which may result in the development of teams and individuals.  However, the term delegation extends its scope a bit further and provides opportunities to manage time; motivate staff and improve the commitment, development and performance of the manager along with team development.  It means a two-way benefit.

Things To Consider While Delegating Jobs To Employees

1. Decide what to delegate:  The main idea behind delegation is to make your task simple and save time so that you can focus on the most crucial areas of business growth.  Hence, decide what to delegate.  Make sure to entrust jobs that any person can do even without your presence.
2. Choose the right person:  The next important step is to choose an appropriate candidate who is capable of executing the job efficiently without any supervision.  You need to study your employees profoundly before taking any decision.
3. Communication:  Finally, after choosing the person you have to communicate the exact idea of the job and talk to him about the available resources. Ask the person what his/her time limit for doing the job would be.  You can leave it to the employee to decide the job strategy.  However, you should review the job status and insist for job reports from time to time in order to monitor the results whether they are up to the desired output or not.

Always remember that a delegation will be a success only if the delegate agrees to assume the responsibility given.  A simple tip to make it work is to convince your employee that the outcome of the job will be to his benefit.  Make sure to assign your favorite jobs along with the tedious ones in order to retain the interest of the assignee.  Therefore, a good delegation is much required and it is the core for the development of the individuals and the company as a whole.

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