
Good Delegation Skills – Secret Of A Flourishing Business
Good delegation plays a major role in the growth of an establishment and it solely depends upon the manager how well he enforces his delegation skills.  The leader of a company has to handle many crucial issues relating to the smooth functioning of the organization. It is impossible for a single individual to perform efficiently all the functions at a time and hence he has to consider delegating some of his responsibilities to others.  Delegation is a common process in all business establishments even though we find many failures.  This is because of the inefficient delegation skills of the manager.  Let us know some tips that can help a manager develop his entrustment skills.
Areas Where A Manager Needs To Improve His Delegation Skills
When it comes to delegation many managers do not prefer to part with the jobs that they take pleasure in doing.  However when you are having a vast work list in your hand, you do not have any other option but to delegate some of your jobs even though they might be your favorite tasks. You should retain only those that are more important.  To put it in simple words, you have to assess your highest value contribution.  You need to evaluate that for which of your activities you are being paid by the company.  Give attention only to those issues. Consider all other tasks secondary and delegate them to others.
Here comes the next issue.  Imagine that a manager is not willing to give up his responsibilities as he may argue that they are very crucial to the business and nobody else can efficiently handle them except him.  Note, that it this exact area that needs delegation more as your company might face problems at the cost of your expertise in emergencies.  You need to train people who can handle the situation if they were in your place, just as well. This will keep your business going even when you are not present. 
Another common reason why people do not prefer delegating task is that they feel they would lose importance if they give away their jobs to others.  Here you have to remember that you are only delegating the job and not the responsibility.  You are going to get things done through your subordinates and make them accountable to you.  Delegation does not mean abandonment.
A Simple Exercise For The Managers
If you are a manager and decide to delegate work, here is a simple exercise that will help you effectively enforce your delegation skills. 1. List out those things that you do and yet someone else can do them just as well as you. 2. Sort out the jobs that you feel good doing and those jobs that need more of your personal attention. 3. Make a plan to delegate 20% of your work to others within a defined time and evaluate the spare time you get to deal other important issues. 4. Decide how you can utilize your excess time into productive and challenging areas. 5. Make sure that you provide others the required training and coaching and enable them to develop.
Above all, you have to assess yourself first, that whether you are a good manager or not as you are the one who has to shoulder the overall responsibility of the business.  Everything depends upon your decisions and if you want the business to scale the heights of success, you have to pay more attention to improving your delegation skills.
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