
Learn How To Delegate And Get Tasks Accomplished
The skill to delegate is one of the leadership qualities of a manager.  Some are good at enforcing their delegation skills, some are not.  Whatever may be the quality of delegation it has a bearing on the business.  Good managers are able to build great business empires however; a manager who lacks skills to delegate often fails to succeed.  Delegation does not mean just calling one of your subordinates and asking him to do a certain work.  It involves a detailed and planned approach where a manager has to consider all the aspects of the task, the employees and how to get the work done.
Tips On How To Get The Work Done Successfully
At any cost, a manager should never practice partiality or favoritism.  This will demoralize the other employees and the workload of the specific employees will increase resulting in poor quality of work.
Whenever a task calls for highly difficult and technical know-how, divide it equally among the employees.  It is advisable to follow the rule-to delegate maximum work to the lowest possible level.  However, in most cases a manager should always try to delegate the whole job to one person.  It not only helps the manager to monitor the job efficiently but also provides multiple benefits to the employees.
A manager should never dump an assignment on a person rather provide him proper coaching and training to execute the delegated job well.  The employees should be given time for specific preparation and gradually given more responsibilities that they can handle at a comfortable pace.
Once a job is delegated, the manager should never take it back nor should it be re-delegated.  It will increase disappointment and frustration on the part of employees and they will lose interest in the work and get de-motivated.
Some General Principles To Be Remembered Always
1. Delegation should always be a two-way benefit. 2. Trust your people. Delegate them those tasks that prevent you from attaining your full potential. 3. Clearly set your expectations and create a good plan. 4. Be clear while explaining the task to your employees and avoid confusion. 5. Motivate your team and explain what they are going to benefit out of the task. 6. Arrange support programs for the delegates and ensure that they get proper training. 7. Negotiate points that need to be discussed with the employees.  Let them know the importance of the task. 8. Explain to them the outcome of the job. 9. Let your delegates know about the available resources and means within which they have to function. 10. Set clear timelines to do the task. 11. Ask for reports of work done at every level and provide feedback.  Let the delegates know how they are working. Praise their efforts if they are able to achieve their goals.
A success or failure often relates to a managers delegating skills.  More efficient a manager is in his delegation, more efficient will be the teams performance.  Trust and consent are the two major elements of a good delegation.  You can grow yourself and groom the people around you by using your skill to delegate as an effective management tool.
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