

Abstract Painting

The term abstract painting refers to a style of painting that was developed after the post-impressionist period.  Abstract painting was in effect created by Picasso and Braque in 1910 when each worked separately in relatively the same abstract painting style.  Picasso introduced cubism at this time...a form of abstract painting which depicts a subject from several angles simultaneously, a major departure from conventional art.  Eventually in the development of abstract painting, Picasso and Braque in effect worked off each other.

Pure abstract painting was developed by several artists shortly after cubism was introduced.  Such artists who created purely abstract painting included Kandinsky, Mondrian and Modigliani whose paintings incorporated even more abstracted forms than cubism.

In the period from 1925 to 1945, abstract paintings became geometric abstractions often with little resemblance to the suggested subject matter. With each advance into abstract painting artists became more inventive and daring.

Abstract painting is and can be done on any surface, though many artists traditionally work on canvas and more often with oil paints and acrylics.

All in all there have been a number of forms of abstract painting, and any student or serious artist today can basically create his or her own style of abstract painting.  It would be difficult to develop a style which hasn't been used....though each artist's individual approach in effect creates his own style of abstract painting.  Some still use cubist or geometric forms...some use no form at all, or work from the subconscous to create paintings which are pure abstractions.

If one wishes to study abstract paintings there are numerous books in any good library containing photographs of the works of great artists, including those who developed and pursued the art of abstract painting.  Though it is not suggested that a student copy the abstract paintings created by some of the great artists mentioned, examining their work will give knowledge of the various techniques used and the artististic approach involved in the creation of fine abstract paintings.

Abstract painting was an important departure from the world of realism which was begun by the impressionists and further developed by the post-impressionists.  Once the tie with purely realistic and conventional art was broken, the move toward creating abstract paintings was almost inevitable. Attempting to create one's own abstract paintings can be an adventure in ceativity.

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