

Decorative Painting

Decorative painting can be a pleasurable hobby and also a practical means of improving your home.  It can also be profitable if decorative painting is applied to objects which you might create for sale, including ceramics, small wooden shelves or decorative plaques, and furniture.

Decorative painting can be done free-hand, or by using stencils.  Often decorative painting is used in various areas of the home to beautify cabinets, areas around windows, moldings, chests, or mirrors. There is ample room for decorative painting in any home.

One area where decorative painting is practical and fun is in children's rooms.  Children will like the colors, and paint is washable.  Also, it is simple to repaint, creating different decorative painting themes, as the child grows older.

If your  hobby is working with ceramics, charming designs can be created on ceramic pieces through decorative painting.  Small figures or vases can offer great opportunity for decorative painting. Shelves and bookcases can be made more interesting with such items created with decorative painting.

Often a home can be made cozy and beautiful at  low cost by buying used or antique furniture and applying decorative painting. There are hundreds of types of stencils which one can use in decorative painting if you don't have the most steady hand, or are searching for
new designs. In addition, shopping for items to w hich you might apply decorative painting can be fun, rather like a treasure hunt.  Watching for garage sales can often bring a rich harvest of items to which you can apply decorative painting. An old wood-framed mirror can be charming with a little decorative painting.  An old tool chest can be transformed into a child's toy chest with a little cleaning and some decorative painting.

If you are ambitious and enjoy doing decorative painting, careful buying at auctions and sales can provide material for decorative painting to make the items saleable either by yourself or through local used furniture or antique dealers.  The latter, of course, will be more interested in period pieces which have been rejuvenated with creative decorative painting.

Rejuvenating children's toys is another area where decorative painting can be useful.  Repainted with fun designs or even animal characters, an old toy wagon or doll's highchair, crib or wardrobe is like a brand new toy. Use decorative painting imaginatively and you can liven up every aspect of your home.

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