
Famous Paintings
The category of famous paintings encompasses centuries of time and thousands of great artists.A glimpse of the treasure trove of famous paintings might start with the Renaissance period, perhaps with Botticelli, the Italian painter whose famous paintings include " The Gift of the Magi" and the well-known " Birth of Venus" .
Skipping to the late 17th century, the Baroque period of famous paintings leads to Geordano, the most important decorative artist of the time.  Among his famous paintings is  " The Forge of Vulcan" which is housed among many other famous paintings in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg.Ren
No mention of famous paintings would be complete without including the famous " Mona Lisa" , the Rembrandt masterpiece which has fascinated the public since its creation, and which hangs now in the Louvre in Paris. The enigmatic smile of the lady of this famous painting has been the source of much speculation and comment.
During the Restoration period in Germany, Friedrich became known for such famous paintings as " The Cross on the Mountain" which was both realistic and symbolic in its depiction of a structure which also symbolized a cross.
Jumping forward in time to famous paintings of the 19th century, important impressionist creators of more recent famous paintings include Edgar Degas, famous among other creations for his famous paintings of ballet dancers. During this period, Renoir became a creator of equally famous paintings depicting voluptuous nudes.
Immediately behind the impressionist came such creators of famous paintings as Van Gogh, with his exquisite paintings such as the blue irises and the sun-drenched wheat fields and the famous painting titled " Cypresses" a number of which famous paintings hang in New York galleries. Among Gauguin's famous paintings are those depicting tropical paradise in bold, exciting colors, as well as the lovely native women who live in such paradise.
Picasso has contributed largely to the world's store of famous paintings with such revolutionary pictures as " Woman Descending a Staircase" and the incomparable famous painting depicting the horrors of war..." Guernica" .
Modern day artists who have created famous paintings include hundreds, from the fine watercolorist, Andrew Wyeth to Andy Warhol, whose glorification of soup cans spoke of  our modern society with overblown simplicity and almost cartoon-like style in his famous paintings.
A chronicle of famous paintings would require several encyclopaedic volumes.  This is merely a brief mention of some famous paintings which can be seen in museums today.
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