


Probably no other art form is as widely used as paintings in both home decoration and in the decoration of corporate and other business offices. Such paintings may be in any form and size, of any subject, but paintings are of primary importance in decorative terms.

Paintings are also a primary element of art collections worldwide...paintings which represent the work of reknowned artists for past centuries, and also the work of important and also lesser known artists of today.

Paintings have since time immemorial represented man's effort to represent his surroundings, putting his own stamp of creativity on his paintings. Some paintings are magnificent, some mediocre, but all should be respected as a result of the creative spirit.
Paintings from various periods show clearly the prevailing attitudes toward society, people and nature as interpreted by the artist. From the rather staid, representational art of the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, the impressionists moved into a more open, daring and interpretive era with their strong, colorful pantings giving impressions of their environment.

The paintings which people choose for their home environment show clearly their tastes and the mood which they wish to create.  They may also reveal sophistication or lack thereof in terms of art appreciation in the selection of paintings.  But art is to please and paintings which thrill one person may leave another cold.

Fine prints of paintings ranging from copies of old masters to the most contemporary art are available in stores, museums and art shops. Some fine prints are almost indistinguishable from the original paintings...more often in the case of watercolor or acrulics than of oil oil paintings are not covered, and prints must be covered with glass. Some feel it is more important to have good prints of masterpieces than to have a mediocre original.  Others like to sponsor struggling artists by purchasing their paintings.  It is sad to think that great artists went hungry during their time and their paintings are now worth millions.  It is often true that as soon as an artist dies, his or her paintings become more valuable.

Whatever your tastes, there is no question but that paintings can be a primary source of pleasure in one's environment. A blank wall invites decoration, and there is no decoration more satisfying that an attractive painting...oil, acrylic, watercolor or print of an original.
Enjoy viewing the paintings in your local gallery, then purchase an exciting painting to decorate your walls, where you can enjoy it every day. 

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