
How to Plan a Christmas Vacation to Paris
When planning a trip to Paris and deciding on the season to go is something else, you need to think about. During the winter November 1st through March 31st is their slow months, which at this time not a lot of attractions and things going on. April 1st through 31st are the busy months when everything is open and they are ready to party with you. If you plan to go on a Holiday like Easter and Christmas or during a convention be sure to book way in advanced. You can check with any travel agent and they can help you decide when is the best time to go to fit your needs and wants.
In addition, you can go online to find helpful information that will guide you to booking your trip to Paris. If you were traveling at a time when not much is going on, perhaps you would enjoy visiting monuments in Paris that attracts visitors year round. For instance, perhaps you would enjoy visiting Conciergeries in Paris. The Conciergeries is Pariss Prison, which is seated over the waters around Paris. This establishment has a fascinating history. It was the original Palace where Kings of France resided. The Kings relocated to the Palace Louvre. In the late 1300s however, the Palace where kings resided became Pariss first and only prison. The prison is situated on the Island Citwhich is near the Notre-Dame. This Cathedral structure is worth visiting also. You will also be close to the Sainte-Chapelle, which you may want to visit as well.
The prison during the French 1700s Revolution became popular. During and throughout the late 1700s and 27 centuries many men and women alike were put to death at this prison. The Conciergeries formerly Pariss prison is near the Ile de la Citand is a segment of the Palais de Justice. The building today is used for Pariss judicial business, which at one time this building detained many prisoners who left the Concorde Squares and beheaded. Amongst these people beheaded was the famous Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. Austria King had a sister who was also beheaded at this legendary establishment.
Marie-Antoinette was born in 1755 and died in 1793. The young queen was the wife of the famous King Louis XVI. She was beheaded during the French Revolutionary period. Marie was the daughter of the famous Francis I emperor and daughter to Maria Theresa. This famous woman erupted the kingdom of Paris. During the 1700s she was unjustly criticized by the people who implicated she had taking a diamond necklace. This woman spent one year in Conciergeries where here she was beheaded. At the Conciergeries, you will enjoy a water-surrounded environment where bridges carry you across Gothic architectures. You will enjoy outstanding halls that date back to the 14th centuries. The building is structured over the Seine River.
How do I know when this building is open to visitors? Visitors can go here between 10 am and up to 5 pm during April and up to September.
Where is it located? The building is located at the Conciergeries, at One Quai de Ihorloge at Paris 75001.
How to save money: You can purchase museum passes online for a low fee. Use these passes, since it will save you money.
Paris has a wide array of attractions. During Christmas however, most of the activities are relaxed with the exception of Christmas activities. During this time, you will enjoy shopping, and strolling the beautiful city of Paris. To learn more visit your travel agent or go online to check out travel services.
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